~Chapter 7~

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"Where's Storm?" Hawk asked Star. It was almost sunrise, and they had been waiting for her since the moon was in the middle of the night sky.

"I do not know." Star answered. "But I hope she will hurry up."

"Me too." Storm meowed, coming out from behind a boulder on the far side of the clearing.

Hawk purred. "Where were you?"

Storm smoothed down her ruffled pelt. "I just took a different path."

Star could tell she was lying, but she didn't have time to say anything, because Hawk meowed. "Can I go get some food?" His stomach growled. "I haven't eaten yet- because Storm kept us waiting, and I can't listen on an empty stomach."

Star and Storm both purred. "Go ahead." Storm said.

"Just be quick." Star added.

The two females watched as Hawk ran out of the clearing, stomach still grumbling.

When he was out of sight, Star decided to ask what really happened.

Storm jerked her head to look at her. "Nothing. Why don't you believe me?"

"Because, I'm a Starlightlynx. I know this."

"Trainee." Storm corrected. "You're a Starlightlynx trainee. And I am too."

"Whatever." Star flicked her ears dismissively. "I still need to know."

"Why? If it's none of your business, why would you need to know?"

"I'm your friend."

Star could tell that she'd won.

Since Storm couldn't find an objection, she dug her claws into the snowy ground. "Now you may tell me."

"Fine." Storm hissed. "It wasn't a different path, it was something else... a dream or something like that...

"I was on my way to the clearing, but I heard something. It sent shivers through me, and I-"

Voices broke her off.

Storm's: "Come out."

Then more. "I can't-"

"Come with-"


Star looked around wildly. This was what she had heard as a kit, except much quieter. She flattened her ears.

"This is dark-"

"Must come-"



Storm looked at her questioningly.

"Fate has brought-"

"Tomorrow will-"

Then it all stopped. "Storm," Star mewed. "I've been hearing that too."

"I- yeah..." Storm lowered her head. "Then I was in a forest of mist-"

I think I know what you're talking about.

"- and the snow swallowed me. Then I saw a mountain, and I forget what else, but there were a few more things."

"I had that dream." Star meowed. "But that was a while ago."

"What dream?" The two trainees turned to see Hawk.


"Nothing." I think it's better to keep this a secret. She sent the warning to Storm by stepping on her paw lightly.

"Okay...?" Hawk looked confused. "I can't say I believe you, but okay?"


"So, what did you eat?" Storm was trying to change the subject.

Hawk swung his head to face her. "That's random."

"I know." Storm shrugged. "I just think it'd be better to talk about something completely unrelated to the original subject than to start a fight between us three. We are the only lynxes who know about this, and it would be pretty bad if we all turned against each other. Don't you think so?"

Hawk and Star stared at her. "Yea..." Star agreed.

"I guess..." Hawk lowered his head. "I ate a starling."

"A Starling?" Star took a step back jokingly. "Who are you?"

"I'm- what?" Hawk looked confused.

Star purred in amusement. "Hawk..."

"Oh!" Hawk rolled his eyes and started to laugh. "I'm evil."

"Oh come on." Storm purred. "You two are acting like kits."

"Storm, just have fun. You're the one who wanted to change the subject." Star meowed. "We've all been too serious for the last few days."

"I can't." Storm looked away. She was obviously thinking about what troubles River and Dawn could be going through.

"C'mon." Hawk persisted.

"Okay fine." Storm mocked. "Ahh! Hawk ate a Starling! What next? A Stormbird?"

Star and Hawk looked at her crossly.

"Thanks. I'm done with this now." Star left the clearing.

Starlightlynxes: Stars in the Sky #1: TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now