~Chapter 17~

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"Nightshade!" Some lynx's- lynx's- voice sounded from the entrance. River and Dawn glanced towards the sound to see someone burst into camp, blood streaking on one side of his face.

"Ash...?" Dawn mumbled.

Ash was the traitor.

River felt a snarl form on her lips as she glared at the male lynx.

"Nightshade!" He called again, and Nightshade emerged.

"You were having doubts," Nightshade growled. "You're not welcome here anymore."

"I'm sorry, Nightshade," Ash dipped his head. "But this is important."

"I don't think so," the leader snarled. "Get out of my camp before I tare you to bits."


"No. Get out!"

"Trust me-"

"I trust no one," Nightshade turned and headed back into his den. "Especially you. You have seven seconds to get out of my camp, then my wolves will be after you."

Ash stared at the leader in disbelief, then noticed the circle of wolves slowly closing in on him, and he fled.

"Wait- what?" Dawn hissed.

River wished she could answer. But she couldn't.

"Of course it had been Ash. But what had happened to his eye? It looked like he had been attacked, and the eye definitely looked like it might not even be there anymore.

. . .

"Storm?" Hawk whispered. "Are you awake?"

Storm groaned, opening her eyes slowly. "I am now," she mumbled.


Whatever. What do you want?" She struggled into a sitting position, flinching in the process.

"I just thought I'd let you know that Moonsight agreed to rescue River and Dawn. He's taking most of us... but he and Leaf both said that you shouldn't come."

"I expected that," the female lynx sighed. "But I do wish I could come. I would love to dig my claws into Nightshade's pelt," she meowed wistfully.

"I know you would," Hawk agreed. "I wish you could come." That was a lie. Hawk was glad she couldn't come. He'd grown close to the not-much-younger lynx, and he could hardly bear to see her injured. He also knew that if she did come, she would be an easy target, and most likely get killed right away. And he couldn't even imagine what he would do if that happened.

"Don't lie to me, Hawk," Storm shook her head. "I know you're glad I can't come."

"Well... yes. I don't want you to get killed."

"I wouldn't get killed!"

"Storm! I know what you're thinking." Hawk blinked. "Promise me you'll stay here, and not try to come."

She hesitated. Then looked down, distraught. "Fine. I promise."

"Thank you." He turned to leave, then turned back, licking Storm's ear comfortingly. "See you soon."

"So," Moonsight started, speaking to the group of lynxes he'd chosen to go. "Hawk will lead group one, which will contain Eagle, Midnight, Foxglove, Lily, Pine, and Brook. You will go to the far side of the wolves' camp, agreed?"

Hawk nodded, and his group stepped to one side of camp.

The elders had decided that they wouldn't be joining the fighting, so they were just watching from a distance.

Starlightlynxes: Stars in the Sky #1: TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now