~Chapter 11~

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"Hawk, can you help me bring Thunder back?" Foxglove questioned.

"Sure." Hawk bounded over to where the brown male was struggling to lift the unconscious lynx. He bent down and let Foxglove put Thunder on his back. Then the two males followed after the other lynxes, who were all heading back to camp. The walk back was pretty easy, except when Hawk tripped over a root and got a splinter. Then he and Foxglove had to trade. Foxglove, as the bigger male, had no trouble getting home.

"Is everylynx alright?" Moonsight asked when they all spilled in.

"I'm good." Cloud was the first to say. She only had a few scratches on her one side. Even though the lynxes are much smaller than wolves, they had been born and trained to fight, so they could fight a wolf or two and win.

"Yes." Robbin had a few patches of fur missing.

"I'm fine." Storm's stomach was red with blood, but it wasn't pouring out, so Hawk guessed it wasn't too bad.

"Same." Foxglove set Thunder down. "Could someone get Leaf or Starlight? I think Thunder's wound needs some attention."

"I can." Oak ran off.

"No need." Starlight came running in. "I'm here."

I wonder where she went? I'll ask her later. Hawk concluded.

"Where's the lynx that needs me?" Star continued.

"Here." He responded.

The trainee leaned over Thunder and sniffed. She opened her mouth to speak, but Leaf interrupted her by rushing up. "Thunder?" The herb trainer whispered. "Thunder, what's wrong?" She turned to Star. "What do you think?"

Star didn't hesitate. "He's winded. I think."

Leaf nodded. "Very good. And how do you wake him?"

Hawk didn't know how Starlight ever managed to memorize all the different remedies. But she seemed to have the mind for it, even though

"Try talking to him, and if it works, great. If not, dip his head in water, or shake him- but not too hard."

"Correct." Leaf proclaimed. "Now, I have to deal with all the others, so do you think you could get Thunder to wake up?"

"I'm sure I can." Star crouched down to whisper in Thunder's ear.

Hawk sat down to lick his wounds. He knew Moonsight would be asking questions sooner rather than later, so he might as well wash his cuts and scratches before then.

. . .

Star dragged some moss over to where Thunder was laying. She'd decided to make a nest around him, since he was too heavy for herself to move.

"Thunder, how do you feel now?" She tucked the moss underneath him.

"Better...?" He offered weakly. "But I'm still thirsty."

"OK." She fretted. "I'll go get more water." She sighed as she padded towards the healer's den.

"What's bothering you?" Her mother, Dapple, took her by surprise.

"N- nothing." She stammered. "I was just getting water for Thunder."

"I can do that. Leaf needs help." Star glanced over to see her mentor rubbing a leaf on Robbin's nose. Then she looked at Thunder. He was staring at her, thirst in his gaze.

"Thunder also needs help." She replied to her mother.

"Star, I can do this. I'm not that old."

"Mmm... okay, fine." Star agreed. "But make sure to get enough water for him."


She watched her mother walk away, then she ran over to Leaf, who was now with Cloud, patching a deep cut on her shoulder. "Do you need help?"

"Yes, I do." Leaf stated. She beckoned Star to help hold the leaf in place while she grabbed a burr. "Is Thunder asleep?"

"No." Star answered, shifting her paws to let her mentor put the burr on it to hold it in place. "He was thirsty, and Dapple volunteered to get him some water."

"Oh, yeah, I see her. Okay." Leaf added to Cloud. "You're good. Just don't let that come off. Who's next?"

Blizzard stepped forwards. "Me... I think." He groaned.

He had teeth marks on his paw.

"I can do this one." Leaf meowed. "Star, you can go deal with some other lynxes."

"Okay." Star grabbed some herbs and headed over to where Pine was sitting.

. . .

"Lynxes! Gather!" Storm pricked her ears to Moonsight's yowl.

Leaf and Starlight had just finished putting herbs on wounds, so all the lynxes were already gathered. Storm ran to sit by Star, Hawk and Owl. She knew what was coming. Questions. The leader looked directly at the four, as expected. "What. Was. That. About?"

Storm, Hawk and Owl looked at Star expectantly. She was the best at explaining things. "Why are you looking at me?" The healer trainee took a step back. "It's just as much your question as it is mine."

"True." Storm countered. "We should all explain."

"What do we explain?" Owl asked.

"Fine." Star rolled her eyes. "Since you all don't know how to speak, I will."

Thanks. Storm thought. Though you don't sound very happy about it.

"River and Dawn are still alive."

"I think we know that much at least." Thunder struggled to his paws. A murmur of agreement that went through the crowd.

"But maybe they're not." Ash hissed. "I wouldn't be surprised if they were slaughtered by Nightshade- is it?

"That could also be true..." Moonsight countered. "But what do you three think? Or, what did you three find out?"

"Well..." Storm began. "Would you like to hear it from the beginning, or not all of it?" She flicked her ears questioningly.

"All of it." The leader meowed. "From the very beginning."

Storm sat back as Starlight explained the whole thing. From the rabbit blood, to the battle. She was surprised that Star left out the part about the traitor, and she didn't mention anything about finding River and Dawn. Maybe she didn't find them. She hasn't told me, Hawk or Owl about it.

"And you didn't think of telling anylynx?" Moonsight scowled.

"Would you have believed us?" Hawk challenged.

"No." He admitted. "Probably not." And the Elders nodded in agreement.

"So, do you still need an answer for your question?" Storm implored.

"Nope." The leader took a step back.

"Then shall we get on with life?" Leaf broke in, bits of herbs scattered on her pelt.

"Not until Moonsight decides if River and Dawn are worth saving." Owl addressed. She looked up at him expectantly.

"We don't know if they're alive or not, so give me some time to think about it."

Storm rolled her eyes. Our leading Elder is very indecisive. Hawk ran up to her, Midnight and eagle following. "We're going hunting." He mewed. "You know, for the very injured lynxes." His stomach rumbled.

Storm looked at him, laughter in her eyes. Oh really? For 'very injured' lynxes?

"Okay, okay." Hawk purred. "I could use a rabbit right about now."

Storm's stomach rumbled slightly. "Me too." She laughed.

Starlightlynxes: Stars in the Sky #1: TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now