~Chapter 19~

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"Get Leaf and Starlight!" River screamed, struggling to run around the sharp stones to get to where her sister was lying. "Hurry!"

Hawk nodded and ran off as quick as he could.

"Please, please, please," the brown lynx prayed as she reached Storm.

Storm was lying awkwardly, with blood pooling around her legs, and one of them obviously broken. "Please, Storm," sniffed the unconscious lynx, and felt her chest.

There was a slight heartbeat.

"Storm," she cried. "Please listen! You have to live... please..."

Storm flinched and twitched before she fell still again.

River looked a little farther in front of her and saw where the leader coywolf was lying, his lifeless body sprawled out, soaked in rain, which washed away most of the blood.

River could see what killed him. A sharp rock seemed to have broken his spine.

River looked away quickly after she saw his cold, lifeless eyes, still full of anger, hatred, and shock.

She blinked numbly.

. . .

"You just... let her go?" Leaf repeated for the fifth time.

"Yes. I know she has to go. It's something she must do," Starlight didn't regret a thing. Not at all.

"But what if she doesn't survive? What then? How would you cope, knowing that you could've stopped her?"

"She's strong. I believe her."

Leaf sighed. "Then why is Hawk running towards us like he needs to tell you that you caused the death of his-" she broke off, coughing meaningfully.

"Leaf! Starlight! Please come now! It's Storm-"

"Told you," Leaf growled.

Star's heart leapt in her throat as she didn't wait another heartbeat, and was racing towards the camp.

"Where's Storm?" She demanded, bursting through the entrance.

"She's over there," Moonsight answered. "Should we do anything now or...?"

"The sooner, the better. And more-likely we'll be able to save her."

"But you'll need herbs," Leaf padded in. "And what about these wolves? What will they do?"

"I trust that they won't be causing any trouble for a while," Moonsight whispered, glancing around at the larger animals. "I hope I'm right."

"I hope so too," Leaf dropped some herbs. "Now let's get these wounds fixed up so I can take her back to camp."

"Lynxes," a wolf padded over. "I am Shade. I would like to inform you that we do not want to cause any trouble, if you will leave us. We will not hurt lynxes anymore," he paused. "I promise."

Can we trust him? Star growled silently.

"Then we will leave you and your group," Moonsight dipped his head. "But remember," he cast a warning look at Shade. "We beat you this time, we can do it again if we need to."

"I'll remember that."


Storm tried to lift her head. But she couldn't. To add to the pain in her neck, pain was shooting through her legs. And probably the rest of her muscles too.

"Ouch," she grunted, opening her eyes slowly. Then gasped at the pair of amber eyes staring down at her. "R- River?" She mumbled, trying to get up again, this time getting a little farther before her muscles gave up. "What... happened?" Rain was streaming into her eyes.

"Just rest," Hawk, who was also standing nearby, replied for River, who couldn't bring herself to talk. "You need it."

Storm couldn't object, but managed to turn her head and saw blood pooling on the sharp stones beside her head.

"Don't worry," River soothed after a moment, when she found her voice. "That isn't all from you."

"All?! Is it... from..." she closed her eyes, trying to see what happened. "N- Night...shade?" She struggled to speak. "Is he...?"




Storm's eyes snapped open in an instant. "I... how?"

"You pushed him over the edge of the rock," Hawk replied, stepping closer to help River get the wounded lynx up. "We need to leave now. Moonsight's just settling something with Shade- probably their new leader," he added before she could ask who 'Shade' was. "And Leaf is coming over here as we speak. Star's gone ahead to prepare a place where you can get some proper rest."

"O...okay," Storm could feel darkness spread through her vision. Must be blood-loss, she closed her eyes. It'll be okay. Leaf and Star will heal it. And with that, she let the darkness carry her away.

. . .

"I'm fine," Hawk reassured Star as she looked up. "I just came to see Storm. How is she? Is she awake?"

"Yes," Star answered, dropping the herbs in her mouth. "She's been waiting for visitors. River's in there too," she gestured to the small makeshift den that she'd created for the injured lynx the day before.

"Ok thanks," he pushed his way into the den.

"Hi, Hawk," Storm greeted him. "How are you?" She was sitting up, with her broken leg outstretched on an awkward angle, and obviously still in pain- it had only been one day, after all.

"I should be the one asking that question," Hawk laughed.

"But it's obvious that I'm not doing too well," she murmured. "So how are you?"

"Oh." She didn't look like she was doing too well, true. But asking was still something he would've liked to do. Oh well. She's a female. Who understands females? I don't. Though females probably think the same about us males... whatever. "I'm fine."

Starlightlynxes: Stars in the Sky #1: TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now