Chapter 9

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Today we had a short recovery session and then the team had decided to head out for dinner. The dinner was mandatory, and I knew I wouldn't be able to watch Ona play. That didn't mean I hated it any less. We called while I ate breakfast and got ready. I was wishing her luck at the game, and she was wishing me luck at dinner. She knew how much I hated being social with most people. I had a few who I could tolerate talking to for a long time and she was one of them. The other people were my family.

I didn't focus on that. Instead, I put my headphones on and made my way towards the training center. I was one of the first people there. Being late was something I hated. Most of the time I would rather be one hour early than five minutes late.

The changing room was empty when I walked in. I put my hair up in silence and started putting on my shoes when several people walked inside. "I thought we would be the first ones here. I didn't see a car outside." Aitana said smiling. She always smiled and had a way to brighten up everyone's mood just by being there. "I took the bus" I answered them while concentrating on my laces. "You know we can always pick you up, right? Just text someone." Aitana continued. "No need to inconvenience anyone else just because I don't have a car." I told her. "It's no inconvenience at all Isa." Alexia said. Since when had she been in the room?

They all decided that I would no longer take the bus. I tried to tell them that it was no big deal and that I enjoyed taking the bus. "Just take it Isa. I'll pick you up myself every day. It's no big deal." Alexia said. Maybe it wasn't a big deal for her, but it was for me. "I can't have you do that Ale." I answered her. I wouldn't give in. "I'm offering, and you are taking it. I'll be at your house forty-five minutes before training and the same when we have games. And you are not doing anything against it Elisa, okay?" Alexia said sternly. "Okay Ale" I responded in a childlike tone. She pulled me in for a hug, and once again the rest of the world disappeared. She always made me feel so calm.

Everyone started to arrive, and we made our way down to the field. Our coach explained that we would be doing some passes, then go to the gym and lastly have an ice bath. Not very enjoyable, especially not when you were always cold. We jogged around the field and did our stretches before we had to pair up. "You're with me today Isa." Alexia said and pulled me towards her. "No, don't kidnap me, Alexia. I want to live." I yelled at her jokingly, making everyone else laugh and Alexia turn red. I burst out laughing and tried to run away from her. She held me back, her strong arms were wrapped around me. "I'm joking Ale, please let me go. I won't run away" I begged her. It obviously worked and she let me go. I didn't stay with her, instead I ran away to hide behind Mapí. She was dying of laughter, just like me.

It took several minutes before we all could stand up without laughing. Alexia stood there, trying to keep herself from laughing. It didn't work at all and instead the whole team was laughing together.

"You said you wouldn't run away Isa." Alexia complained. "I lied" I answered with a big smile. We walked towards a far corner and started passing the ball between each other. The two of us did every drill successfully and had fun in between. After that we went to the gym.

The exercises were all heavy and hard. But being a part of this team meant that we could have fun while doing it. However, the worst part was the ice-bath. 

Mapí forced me down with her and started the timer. It's supposed to reduce swelling and pain, which is good, I guess. But is it worth it? We sat there chatting about our lives to make the time pass by faster. I explained the math I had in school and how excited I was that I didn't need to attend any more classes if I kept up with the work at home.

When we were done, we all headed to the showers. I was quick to go and shower. For me a nap would be needed before I could go out again and I wanted as much time at home as possible for that. I also needed to look at apartments to rent. Living with my sister was a temporary option, and I wanted the freedom of living alone.

I changed into a pair of blue jeans shorts and a Barcelona hoodie. Not the team but the city. I felt like a tourist, and I liked that feeling. Being a tourist means you get to explore parts of the city that you don't when you live there. You walk past the same monuments every day, and for you it's nothing special. But for the people that only stay for a week it's something incredible and new. 

I tried to escape from the locker room and out to the bus stop. Alexia stopped me before I could even get out. "I'll drive you." she said and lightly pushed me down on the bench. "Now you stay here until I'm done." she continued. "I'm going to miss my bus Ale" I complained loudly. I wanted to go with her, but she couldn't know that. "I don't know why you want to take the bus instead of being driven. It's much faster, much more comfortable than taking the bus, and lastly, you get to go with me." she said defeated. "If you put it like that, then I can't resist being driven by you" I answered. Flashing her a big smile in the process. I could see her entire face lighting up, and I knew she was happy with my answer. "I'll hurry up so you can get home" Alexia responded and started getting dressed faster. "Take your time Ale" I responded before settling down against her bag.

Soon enough I floated into a deep slumber. I dreamt of winning games together for Spain. All my friends were there. Ona and I celebrated the victory together with the rest of the team. We were the champions of the world. Campeones del mundo.

Unfortunately, I was brought out of my dream by Alexia. "We got to go Isa." she said quietly while shaking me awake. "Lo siento. How long was I out for?" I asked. I tried waking my body from the sleep. Sleeping against a wall was not comfortable at all. "About half an hour." she answered like it was nothing out of the ordinary. Why was she so considerate?

"Bring your stuff and you can get ready at my place. It's closer to the restaurant, so I don't have to make a detour later." Alexia said as we were nearing my place. "Okay" I answered. I could feel my voice growing smaller and smaller. "You don't have to, but we would both get more time that way." she explained. It might have had something to do with my reaction. I hurriedly grabbed my make-up and several changes of clothes. I had no idea what would be appropriate to wear. Alexia probably knew, she would help me. 

Five minutes later I was back in her car, and we made our way towards her apartment.

"Can you help me pick out what to wear Alexia?" I asked her while going through my bag. "Show me your options, otherwise you can borrow something from me." she answered while walking into the bedroom. In her hand she had two plates with sandwiches on.

I showed her all the clothes I had brought, nothing of it seemed fitting and I wouldn't have chosen it if I had time. "I was planning on wearing a pair of pants and a blouse with it. You should wear the green dress. That will look amazing on you." she helped. It was a great idea to be honest. The only problem was the fact that I couldn't wear a bra under it. "Thank you" I answered, still dwelling on it. "You don't sound convinced. What's the problem with the dress?" she asked. How could she read me that well? It was honestly strange. "It will sound silly. But I don't have a bra to wear under." I answered her. "It's not silly. You can go without one. But if you don't want to do that I have options. I would let you borrow one of mine, but we probably don't have the same size. I think I'm wider over my back. But I have stick-on ones and nipple pasties if you want to borrow one." Alexia offered and I smiled at her. 

I ended up borrowing something from Alexia. She also helped me with my makeup, and we spent the afternoon having fun together. It was a while since I had a friend like her. It was Ona before, and she moved away during the summer. Not that I wasn't friends with Ona anymore, I very much was.


Murder me, thank you!!

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