Chapter 51

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I sat next to Alexia on the bus. I was in a lot of pain and could barely put any weight on it. This was not how I wanted this season to go. I wanted to run around and play football on my usual level, and not be forced to sit everything out because of a torn ACL.

Alexia held me tight while I focused on the everchanging nature outside my window. "It will be fine" she whispered into my hair repeatedly. I think she wanted to reassure herself, because I paid no attention to what was going on inside the bus. "Want me to stay with you tonight?" she whispered when we got closer. "Yes" I whispered back, my voice breaking. Why couldn't I be strong like her? She kissed my hair, and I went back to staring out of the window.

Getting out of the bus was hard on crutches. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be at home, cuddled up on the couch with Alexia and Nala. "Do you need some help to get down the stairs Isa?" Alexia asked. "I don't. And I don't like how you think I am incapable of moving myself" I told her though gritted teeth. "I'm sorry for asking" she said, and I could see how much it hurt her. "Can I at least take the bag?" she asked, trying to not seem bothered by what I just said. I nodded at her before continuing my fight down the stairs. This was my first time on crutches, and I was not good at moving with them.

While Alexia went up the stairs to dop of our stuff, I sat down in the dining room. We had dinner in twenty minutes, and I felt like it was unnecessary to go up, considering that I was moving slowly. After a few minutes Alexia returned and sat down next to me. Following behind her was Aitana and Mapí. I paid no attention to them, instead I focused on the crumbs that was left on the table. I did not notice how Alexia placed a kiss on my cheek, nor did I notice when a plate of food got placed in front of me.

"You need to eat" Alexia whispered to me. "Not hungry" I answered and continued moving the crumbs around. "You played football for over an hour and have not eaten for a long time; you must be hungry" she continued. "I am not, and I would appreciate it if you stopped asking" I told her, regretting my tone. She got quiet and, in that moment, I knew that I was not acting fair towards her. "I'm sorry Ale" I said, pulling her in for a hug. It was difficult, considering that we were both sitting down, and my knee was barely movable.

I saw a small smile on her face, but it wasn't a real one. "How about we go upstairs as soon as you are done? I could use someone to talk to" I whispered to her. "That sounds great" she whispered back. I have never seen her eat that fast, and it brought a small smile to my face. "Want me to give you a piggyback?" she asked, a foolishly big smile covering her face. "Always" I smiled back.

We had to make a quick stop and change the ice on my knee, as well as to talk to our coach. It took me some time, and Alexia waited outside. I returned with tearstained cheeks and red eyes. "Could we take the talking tomorrow? I just want to shower and get to bed" I asked. I felt bad that I was prolonging everything, but I did not want to speak about this at all. "Of course," Alexia answered and helped me up on her back again.

What did I do to deserve someone like her?

She helped me shower without asking any questions. It was hard to do without putting any weight on my knee, but she stood there and held me up. Afterwards she iced my knee again and held me tight as we slept. I didn't sleep much though, the pain in my knee was severe, but the pain inside my head was even worse. Alexia let me cry on her shoulder that entire night, not sleeping a minute herself.

In the morning Alexia iced my now very swollen knee again. She helped me down to check at it once again, before going to eat breakfast.

Can you bring my bag down?

Of course.

Love you!

Anything for you, roomie

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