Old Friend Reunion Part 2

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Mrs. Andino inhaled a long breath and sat on the couch. I sat across from her with Harvey. "After my daughter's birth father left when she was younger, I got remarried to Carter. He seemed like a very good person the first time we met. Around family he was. At home he was different. Violent. Tempered. I tried to keep my kids from seeing bruises, broken glass shards and even a torn shower curtain. We lived in California at that time for my daughter's acting break. I often sent my son to his friend's houses whenever we had arguments. One day, we argued because he wanted me to steal money from my daughter's acting job but I said no. He called me a bitch and tried choking me. My daughter saw what happened, hit him back with a frying pan. Her best friend...." She trailed off. I looked down and kept my composure. She cleared her throat. "The one she would always come to saved our lives. We took off in her car and she took us to her family's home. Her mother offered us to stay until I'll get the divorce but I decided to move here with my son for a fresh start. I'm real grateful for that young lady." She finished, smiling sadly. The whole story left complete knots in my stomach. But I have to focus in order to help her. I returned the gesture and nodded. "And I'm sure she's grateful to have helped you." I told her. Harvey nodded in agreement. "Mrs. Andino, the day of the deposition is in two days. I'll do everything I can to help." He spoke. She nodded. "Thank you. And thank you." She said, smiling at me. Don't give it away Liz. Don't. I smiled politely as we got up from the couch. Once we left the doorstep, I breathed a breath of relief. Harvey looked at me weirdly. "Are you ok?" He asked softly. I scoffed, waving it off. "Yeah. Just needed some fresh air now." I lied. He opened the door for me and I gratefully got in. Broken glass shards? Torn shower curtain? Not to mention he wanted to steal Paola's money. I facepalmed and inhaled a deep breath. If they're not divorced, he'll probably won't leave her alone. I've got to end this and make sure she gets a better settlement to take care of herself and her brother. "Liz? Elizabeth?" Harvey called. I snapped out of my thoughts. "Uh, yeah? Yeah?" I said. This time he looked at me concernedly. "Are you sure you're ok?" He asked in a sincere tone. I slowly nodded. "Yes. I'm fine. You're right. Let's do everything we can to help her." I spoke confidently. Ray re-fired the engine and drove off.


I've seriously been doing all research and paperwork enough to help Mrs. Andino's divorce before the actual meeting. Even if it means leaving this firm at probably 7ish. Maya playfully knocked. "Liz, you've been here all day...which surprise me. Don't you want to do this at home?" She asked. I nodded my head no. "Sorry. I have to help this lady with her divorce. It's real important." I told her. She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "It's just a divorce. They happen all the time." She said. I scoffed and kept my head down. "It's not just a divorce." I disagreed. Maya hummed in response while crossing her arms. "Yes it is. You could do this case in your sleep. There's no other things associated—I cut her off. "Yes there is! You don't know what goes on behind doors!" I blurted, looking up. A moment of silence was present. She looked at me worriedly. "Liz, is everything ok? You've been head bent on work all day. Hadn't spoken to anyone." She asked. I stopped reading and sighed deeply. "I'm sorry sis. It's definitely been wild today. I'm just tired from all the work right now. I promise I'll leave soon and finish tomorrow. This client meeting is in two days." I told her calmly. She smiled softly, rubbing my shoulder. "Things will be ok. Trust yourself. Most importantly stretch and breathe. You need to be mentally at your best." She assured. I smiled a little. "I will. See ya soon." I said. Maya nodded and walked out. After this case is done, I'll have to tell her sometime.

It was almost 7. I clearly need a breather. I've gathered my things in my bag and stretched while letting out a deep breath. I rode the elevator and walked out of the building to find my car in its parking lot where all cars were. I pulled out my keys until a hand harshly grabbed my hair. The other covered my mouth though I screamed crazily. He backed me against the door as I made eye contact. Carter. His grip on my hair got tight. I gritted my teeth in pain. "Trying to take her away from me? Huh?! I saw your face before. Paola's little best friend. The one who took them from me and I never saw them again! They can run but they can't hide sweetie. I tried getting Paola's money but that bitch refused. It looks like I'm coming for the firm's. Good luck." He growled angrily before punching my nose and mouth. I groaned in pain and fell to my knees. It's time to fight back. I swiftly kicked him between the legs. He held his part while groaning in pain. I grabbed my bag and hit across his face. Carter fell to the ground as I picked up my keys and got inside. He was beginning to slowly get up so I quickened my pace and drove off.

Arriving home, I quietly opened the door and closed it softly. Everywhere was dark except for the kitchen light. My breathing still shaken up so I walked a bit shakily to the kitchen. A plate of roasted beef in the microwave. But I wasn't feeling hungry and walked upstairs to my room. Maya's light was turned off so she must be sleep. I cut on the light. "WHAT THE—She sat on my bed with her raised eyebrow. Her eyes widened at my bruised face and dirt on my suit. "Lizzie! What happened to you?!" She asked worriedly. I motioned her to calm down. "It's not important sis. Right now I want to rest." I spoke quietly. She scoffed, pulling me to the bathroom and had me sit down. My nose began irritating me, not to mention my suit is dirty and I'm tired. I groaned in pain silently. "Look, Maya can we please talk about it tomorrow? I'm tired! I'm dirty! I'm—" I paused feeling blood drip down my lips. Maya handed me a tissue roll and opened the First Aid. "Bleeding as fuck?!" She growled sarcastically. I let out a defeated huff while wiping it off my lips. "You're going to explain more than that now. Not tomorrow." She spoke in a serious tone. Lucky for her, I'm way too exhausted to even care. My problem is already awaiting tomorrow.

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