Baby-Proof Morning

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Harvey sighed. "Avery. I like Avery." He told me. For some unknown reason, any names popping in my head the name Avery somehow stuck. Even when I look at her beautiful eyes. I smiled, playfully bouncing her on my lap. "That name honestly got stuck on me when I was thinking of names. I could just look at her and think Avery." I said. She babbled happily after hearing the name. Harvey smiled. "She likes it." He said. I laughed. "Yes she does!" I agreed. He bent down and smiled. "I'll see you later Miss Avery." He said nicely. Liz, stop blushing! My cheeks heated crazily. Avery waved her hand out in hopes he'll pick her up. I kissed her head. "Say goodbye to Harvey sweetie." I cooed. She let out a whiny sound and snuggled against my chest. Aww! I got up with her on my hip before walking him to the door. "You'll bring her tomorrow will you? Or you must have someone to watch her?" He asked. I smiled sheepishly. "If I do bring her, I hope it doesn't cause too much hassle since there's a lawsuit going on." I said. Me and Maya have to come tomorrow but Avery can't be alone. Bringing her to work hopefully doesn't cause any distractions. She'll need all the attention and care. Harvey scoffed. "I'll handle that. Besides Mike would make a great babysitter." He joked. I inhaled a deep breath. "Are you sure H?" I asked anxiously. He nodded. "Yes. You just became a single mother so it's not going to be easy sometimes. Ok?" He assured. He is really caring when he isn't grumpy or arrogant. "Ok. Thanks so much H." I said softly. Avery let out another yawn. Still sleepy. Harvey playfully booped her nose. She giggled. That moment tugged my heartstrings. He smirked. "She won't be much trouble. She's so quiet and calm." He told me. I nodded in agreement. "See you tomorrow." I said. He playfully winked. Avery let out a squeak scream which made us laugh. I closed the door once he walked out. I began rocking her until she fell asleep on my bed. When Maya came home, we had a lot to chat about.

Morning arisen. I walked down with Avery on my hip to the kitchen. Maya was shaking her bottle of milk and smiled. "Morning. Morning Avery!" She beamed. She mumbled gibberish with her fist in her mouth. I huffed, sitting on the counter. "We need to go shopping. She needs a baby monitor, a crib, new clothes and a stroller with a different color." I said, rolling my eyes at the last part. Maya scoffed. "Least the woman had the decency to leave her food and a blanket." She spoke before handing me the bottle. Avery hungrily drank. "Even a coat for the winter." I added. She smiled amusedly. "Not impressed it's pink? Liz, what do you expect people will think if they see blue?" She asked. I shrugged. "I'm just saying it can be neutral. It doesn't have to be blues and pinks so much. My child doesn't have to be like everybody else." I told her. She bit her lip while smirking. "Weird." She muttered. I looked at her confusedly. "Weird what?" I asked. "You saying 'my child'. Gaining custody won't be hard because she was left in the cold by that woman. I think you oughta get the police on her." She said. What's the point of calling police since she doesn't wanna be her mother? As say the note. I sighed and took the nuzzle off Avery's mouth. "Why? I understand why you suggest it but it's not necessary. The wicked get their just awards so she's not my problem." I said. Avery began babbling quietly. Maya raised both eyebrows in disbelief. "You did not just say that." She said. I snickered. "Mhm." I spoke. She nodded in disagreement. "She needs pressing charges for leaving an eleven month old minor unsupervised on our doorstep. You bet Mom and Dad would do it." She continued. "Anything could've happened, I know. She should be in jail but let's worry about it later. Right now let's adjust. She'll need more things too." I said. Maya nodded. "Good. We have this mock trial going on. Louis needs you and Mike's help." She said. I looked at her in disbelief. "Help to become a ruthless Tanner? That won't be hard." I joked. She chuckled and motioned me to chill. I kissed Avery's cheeks which gave her a giggle fit. "Alright cutie, wanna go to work with mommy and Auntie Maya?" I cooed. She babbled cutely and touched my nose. Speaking of Auntie, she cleared her throat. "We need to keep this low profile. If anyone asks, she is our..." She trailed off. "Daughter and niece. There's only a few people we know can know." I said annoyedly. "Like who?" She asked. I hummed in response. "Mike, Rachel, Donna, Jessica. Harvey already knows." I told her. Maya huffed. "Sure but she's not yours legally yet. Our family will need to know after it's legal. You can't even have Hardman of all people know either. I got a bad feeling about him." She advised. True! "Wait, what about Louis?" I mentioned. She sighed. "I'd wait until it's legal." She said. I nodded in understanding and put Avery in her coat on the couch. Those innocent blue orbs are too cute! "Aww, she needs a travel bag." I remembered. Maya looked at her in awe. The doorbell ringed. "I got it." She said, heading for the door. I wrapped my bag on and picked her up. She still babbled, wrapping her arms around me. I chuckled. "I love you." I whispered. "Lizzie!" Maya shouted loudly. I slightly jumped, walking to the door. Two boxes were on the floor. One slightly huge than the other. "You ordered these?!" She whispered/yelled. I shushed her. "You're gonna scare her Maya." I said calmly. "That's why I'm whispering!" She whispered/yelled. I snickered. Oops. "These are for this munchkin." I told her. Her expression quickly changed. "Oh! When did you order them?" She asked. Avery played with my hair strands and I kissed her nose. "Last night. I had to before the livestock go." I said. Maya looked at me in disbelief. "Then what are they?" She asked.

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