Operation: Oust Hardman

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No matter what, Maya didn't stop laughing. I huffed and put on lipstick. "This man had the nerve to make me jump off a roof if he bought a hundred toys and clothes for Avery." I growled, referring to Harvey. She held her stomach while laughing more. "I'm sorry! Oh lord! Liz, cmon. Would he really do that behind your back? He didn't spoil her." She chuckled. I nodded, checking myself in the mirror. "Ok. He only let me rant on like a fool. He let me act like a crazy fool." I said sarcastically. She snickered which made me snicker a little. "You're not a fool. You're just being like every other mother, keeping your kids grounded. Harvey wouldn't absolutely spend all his money on her as if she's his—She paused realizing what she said. My eyes widened amusedly. "I'm sorry, what was that? I didn't quite hear you." I asked. Maya nodded her head no. "Nothing! Nothing. I meant to say he wouldn't spoil her too much." She lied. "Uh huh. I also remember what else you said. As if she's his—what?" I repeated innocently. She waved me off. "Liz, I meant none of it. I was kidding." She assured. Truthfully, Harvey is close with Avery. Been close since she was in a stroller. He wouldn't exactly treat her as if she was his—offspring. I mean friends can treat their friend's children like family, right? Like godfather, uncle or—I snapped out of my thoughts when Avery came in. "Good morning cookie." I said, smiling. She returned the gesture while hanging her backpack on the chair. "Morning, morning Auntie Maya." She said sweetly. Maya smiled. "Did you have fun at Harvey's yesterday?" She mentioned. I turned and glared silently. Avery quickly nodded. "Yeah! Lots! Except one thing." She said, raising an eyebrow. I scoffed and buttoned up my suit. "What one thing?" I lied. She snickered. "Mommy, you came busting in the house and yelling at H. Something about shaving his hair with a chainsaw if he got $5,000 clothes or toys for me." She told us. Maya's jaw dropped. I playfully rolled my eyes while checking my mascara. "I'm in the right here. Every time I tell Harvey, don't spend too much on her he does." I sassed. Maya hummed in response. "And you talking about shaving his hair off with a chainsaw isn't crazy?" She asked. I checked to see if my work essentials are in my bag before adding my phone. "I stand by my statement." I said confidently. Avery nodded her head no. "Mommy, you must answer the question or plead the fifth. Otherwise, Auntie will hold you in contempt." She spoke in a serious tone. The whole time we looked at her in shock. She shrugged. "Whatever that means." She said. I smiled amusedly. "I plead the fifth babygirl." I joked. Maya chuckled and rubbed her hair. "Have you tried out any school clubs?" She asked. She smiled excitedly. "There's one I wanna try. Don't get mad Mom because it's nothing to worry about." She beamed. Maya and I looked at each other then back at her. "What is it?" We asked in unison. Avery fiddled with her fingers. "I wanna try out for the soccer team." She spoke nervously. The soccer team? Why would I worry about it? That's great! I scoffed and smiled. "Baby, that's amazing! I'm not upset!" I beamed. She looked at me weirdly. "Am I still sleeping?" She asked. Maya laughed while nodding. "It's so cool you're thinking of joining soccer. When's practice?" She asked. I checked my watch to notice it's 7:30. "Hon, we oughta speed this up. We're on a clock." I quickly said. Avery smiled brightly and cheered. "Next week. Means I have all week to learn. I was practicing at recess with my friends." She explained. "Will you be a dear and discuss the upcoming practice in the car?" I asked, smiling tightly. She instantly gasped. "Oh yeah!" She remembered before grabbing her backpack. Maya walked out to get her things. I smirked and wrapped an arm around Avery's shoulder. "Now, which soccer league you'll be in someday?" I joked. She chuckled. "I don't wanna brag but..." She trailed off. Maya laughed. "Now that's your child!" She shouted from her room. I snickered.

The more shady things I hear about Hardman, the more I want to kick his ass. Harvey called me to Jessica's office where himself and Mike were. "They were in on it together." He said, referring to Hardman and Tanner. "I went through every box that Hardman looked at to find dirt on Tanner. There was no dirt." Mike explained. "You need to call a partner meeting." Harvey told her. She nodded. "I'll call for it. Five minutes after you get me some proof." She said in a serious tone. "You managed to do all this while being amped out of your mind?" I whispered in Harvey's ear. He smirked confidently. "Impressed?" He asked. I hummed in response and crossed my leg. "Not yet. Let's find more dirt then we'll talk." I told him. Jessica hid a small smirk. Mike nodded in agreement.

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