Donna's Little Secret Part 2

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Pale like a ghost the second she admitted she found the real memo last night. "Donna...oh my god." I muttered. Donna fiddled with her fingers shakily. "You haven't said anything yet." She spoke. I crossed my leg and rubbed my hair. A moment of silence was present. She sighed sadly. "Liz, please say something." She begged. "Oh my god!" I blurted. It made her jump but kept a posture. "Where is the memo now?" I asked. "I have it." She said, looking down. I inhaled deep breaths and cleared my throat. "Have Mike seen it? Or anybody else?" I asked. Donna nodded her head no before covering her face. "Last night I saw it—I—I didn't know what to do. I don't even remember hiding it before. It has my name on it." She explained. Her name on it? Since she works for Harvey, that implicates him. Oh lord. "Know what this mess is? Shit hitting the fan." I spoke annoyedly. Donna rolled her eyes. "So I've been told." She muttered. "Look Donna, I don't think Harvey will be upset. They think he buried the evidence but he never did. Having it now wouldn't ruin anything. It'll prove his innocence." I said. She nodded in disagreement. "What if it doesn't? What if this means 'fraudulent concealment'? You don't know what the jury will think. Especially if anyone knows my name is stamped on it. Tanner could use it as leverage cause well he's suing him and the entire firm—I cut her off. "He thinks he buried it to 'cover himself'. All he's doing is picking a fight with Harvey, even if it's a fight to the firm. As you told me, it was never buried. You found it so it proves the truth. He never committed fraud. He'll thank you a lot once this is over." I assured. She sniffled, nodding her head no. "Liz, it feels scary. It could go right or wrong." She told me. I got up and rubbed her shoulder. "I know. I know." I said softly. This position Donna's in right now is quite hard. Harvey never seen the memo and denied he buried it a million times. Tanner thinks he buried evidence but knowing it's found...well it could be leverage. "Anyways, what could happen?" I asked dismissively. She huffed. "I have a deposition with Alison Holt." She told me. My eyes widened as I plopped myself on my chair. I massaged my temple and huffed. "Damn Donna." Is all I blurted. She immediately got up. "Don't worry about me. Just don't mention this to anyone. Ok?" She said confidently. I slowly nodded. "Until you speak to Harvey, right?" I asked firmly. She nodded and opened the door to leave. I turned my chair so I'd face the giant window. Thoughts roamed my mind. Donna, in a private deposition, with Alison Holt about this fraud case involving a memo Harvey denied of burying after finding it last night. How would that turn out? It's nothing but interrogation until you spit the facts. "Ahem." A voice called. I mentally hoped it wasn't—I turned to see Maya. She raised an eyebrow firmly. "You and I need to talk." She spoke in a serious tone before closing the door. I returned the gesture. "I know. There's something you need to know. Only you because I can't tell anyone else." I said. She nodded. "Ok." She said. I sat upwards as we readied ourselves and inhaled a deep breath.

"I caught you!/Donna found the memo!" We blurted in unison.

We gasped shockingly. "What are you talking about? What do you mean?! Why you didn't tell me—I paused staring in shock. "Wait! What are you talking about? Be specific." I asked calmly yet shakily. Maya fake smiled and crossed her arms. "Your sudden disappearances. Although I don't think they weren't. The day Harvey sent you to a hotel, I called every hotel in the Upstate. Of course, I could've called you but I wanted to know what hotel you're staying in. At least to see if it's safe. The funniest thing happened is none of them had an 'Elizabeth Parker' registered. I woke up and noticed you left early. Strange because you're a nightowl and I'm the morning bird. But something was left on your bed. A dark blue sweatshirt. See, I don't remember you wearing something like that. I've seen all your shirts. Not that one particular. It can't be yours because it's not your size, your favorite blue color isn't dark and it smelled of...aftershave? That would be odd because women don't wear aftershave. Men do." She explained. The whole time I tried not letting my jaw drop. "Maya—She cut me off. "What's going on Liz? I don't even have to ask you because it brings me back to when you arrived here. This time you didn't smell like vanilla. You smelled like a different scent." She continued, smirking. My eyes widened. My knees nearly weakened and the blood left my face. " see—I happened to use William's—She cut me off. "Happen to use men colognes?" She asked sarcastically. I got up and rubbed my hair. "Oh damn it!" I growled through gritted teeth. Maya laughed happily. "Ha ha! Tell me what's going now. I'm not leaving till you do." She said firmly. A moment of silence filled the room. I groaned deeply. "Are you seeing someone else Liz?" She suddenly asked. This question, brought up after she figured I unintentionally smelt like men's cologne? No, Harvey. She seriously smelt Harvey on me. Otherwise I'm a little relieved Donna or Rachel hadn't caught the scent. But I'll gladly answer because I'm through with William and the stupid triangle. I inhaled a deep breath. "Actually, no. I'm not seeing anyone. I'm so freaking done with this triangle Maya. Having to share someone I love with someone else all the time. Practically fighting every other day to make him see I'm a better girlfriend than her. Women shouldn't have to do that. It even bothers me sometimes cause I'd see pictures of them in LA having fun while I'm here waiting for our time in the summer. One night he posted a photo of himself and her....I was finished. I sent a freaking breakup text cause I rather not talk to him. That's it, done, capiche, period. Perhaps I did smelt like another man's cologne but it wasn't what you're thinking. He's an actual friend who was there for me all the time. And I'm glad." I told her. Maya stood there speechless before hugging me. I was a little surprised but hugged back. "Thank God. I was waiting for it to be over." She whispered. Blessed to have three understanding sisters eh? I smiled. "It feels good." I whispered. We parted. Maya shrugged. "Anything else?" She asked. I fake smiled and nodded. "Donna found buried evidence of this fraud case last night and Harvey's got no clue. She's worried it'll give Tanner leverage or it could save Harvey and the firm from further shit." I added. She stared at me in shock.

"What is she thinking?" She managed to say

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"What is she thinking?" She managed to say. I was confused. "The fact she found it which solves everyone's problems yet she's deciding what it can do to the firm? No, you have to tell him and bring this forward. That memo will put this case to rest. It's not committing fraud." She spoke. I shrugged helplessly. "What do you want me to do? Donna's my friend. She is delicate in this problem, this could get her in trouble—Maya cut me off. "Or Harvey if this memo doesn't come forward. You can't be in a position between friends and the firm. She should do the right thing and tell the truth. Not hide away while carrying it around. Where is she?" She advised. I sighed, biting my lip. "In a deposition with Alison Holt." I told her. She huffed and mouthed 'damn it.' "What about—um—sweatshirt?" She mentioned. "Forget it! I need to do something!" I said, walking past her. Maya nodded in agreement. My phone buzzed. I pulled it out to see Gaston's text.

H🙄🕴️: feeling better? :)

BlueQueen👑🩵: lol yes thanks😌

H🙄🕴️: 🙂

My cheeks burned hotly as I almost came to his office but stopped. Donna wouldn't trust me anymore if I tell him yet the firm's in deep shit if there isn't a solution. Good lord, why does this have to be critical? I didn't realize Mike approached me from behind. "You're standing here like a statue." He joked. I turned and huffed frustratedly. "Apparently." I mumbled. He looked at me concernedly. "Liz, is everything ok? You know Donna's been acting weird lately." He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Apparently." I repeated. He gave the look I'm quite familiar with. Suspicion. "Why do I feel like you're hiding something? It's so natural." Mike asked confusedly. I shrugged awkwardly. "When it comes to me it's always natural." I said. He instantly chuckled. "Seems so." He muttered. Thoughts about Donna entered my mind. "If you wanna know, it's better to hear from her. Much as I hate to say it don't tell Harvey yet." I told him. He nodded in understanding as he came to Harvey's office while I followed behind.

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