Happy Hour's Back

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Saturday, the happy day of all days is here. No more hella drama after an eventful week. A restful sleep is what I desperately needed. Once I did my morning routine, shower and washed my hair, the baby monitor went off. Somebody's awake. I walked to Avery's room enough to jump. She was standing on her feet, hanging onto the railing. Oh man. Appreciate the crawling because she'll be walking pretty soon. I smiled happily. "Hi! Good morning my love!" I cooed. She smiled, giggling. I picked her up and kissed her cheeks repeatedly. Avery laughed while wiping her eyes. A sudden air contaminated by stink hit my nose. My eyes diverted to her. Bath and diaper change. "Let's go take a bath eh?" I cooed, putting her down before gathering the bathing necessities. She crawled around in her crib as I picked her up and went to the bathroom.

Surprisingly, Avery hadn't cried or whined while I bathed her. She was really chill. Maya got her the organic baby lotion instead of the chemical-induced. My TV played Cocomelon which distracted her. Maya came in and gasped. "You are a professional at this." She complimented in shock. I scoffed while wrapping Avery's hair in a small ponytail. It had grown to her shoulders. She sat on my lap watching TV. Good thing Maya arrived with her bottle and applesauce. "You helped twice as much. The only thing that's left is...." I trailed off. "Custody. You still hadn't found an attorney?" She asked. I inhaled a deep breath. "Actually, I did. But don't get ticked, we have a child." I told her. She looked down while sighing. "Is it Harvey?" She asked. He offered to be my attorney but after all that's happened, I really need a break. And that's means having someone else be the attorney. I nodded my head no as she gave me Avery's food. She danced side to side to a nursery rhyme. I smirked and opened the applesauce cap. "It's....Louis." I admitted. Maya nodded in understanding. "I'm not ticked it's Louis. Matter of fact quite relieved. What's been going on lately—She paused to breathe. "We need a refresher. God knows I do. Very much." She said, muttering the last part. That made me sigh sadly. Something crazy must've happened with her. I fed Avery each spoonful until she needed her bottle. "Auntie Maya had quite a week like Mommy." I whispered and kissed her forehead. Maya laid across the bed before facing the ceiling. "What happened?" I asked softly. She huffed. "Love stinks." She blurted. I nodded in agreement. "Plus...name each of my exes's names. From best to worst." She told me. I raised an eyebrow. "Don't you mean worst to worser?" I joked but in a serious tone. She chuckled. "I don't wanna sound sour." She said. Avery babbled, letting out a burp. I looked at her in awe. "She's like 'Auntie's exes are crazy.'" I joked. Maya rolled her eyes. I hummed in response. "Mommy agrees. Now, tell me what happened." I told her. She turned her attention back to the ceiling. "Jin came over one night. When you wore your long brown boots to visit a 'friend.' I was work- tired and he offered to hang out. We were laughing, talking, especially hearing funny stories about our families. We discussed what it's like having love issues after watching a movie. He told his part and I told mine. A Kay Jewelry commercial came on. It was so beautiful full of happy couples. Even a happy couple getting married—I cut her off. "Ohhh! I know that one! It is beautiful." I said, smiling. Avery grabbed my nose and I kissed it. "Someday, you'll experience a first love. One pure and happy." I told her. She babbled, grabbing her bottle. Maya sighed. "After watching it, our hands were intertwining. Naturally. We didn't even know it. Once it stopped, we stared for a moment, we almost leaned until I suddenly backed away. He kept apologizing but it wasn't really his fault." She continued. I nodded in understanding while bouncing Avery on my lap. "Did it happen again? Yesterday?" I asked. She nodded. "When we watched Avery. We didn't almost kiss yet our hands touched when I told him she needed her teething toy." She finished. I smiled amusedly and tickled her cheeks. "Funny how babies bring romance out of folks." I joked. Maya rolled her eyes while chuckling. "Hush up. How does Harvey feel about Avery?" She teased. My cheeks heated crazily. How he bonded with Avery easily was truly cute. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Let's just say he's good with babies." I said. "Mama." She called. I kissed her cheek and raised her up mid-air. "Yes sweetie?" I cooed, blowing raspberries on her belly. She let out giggles. Maya smiled warmly as I blew more raspberries. Avery's giggles echoed the room. I kissed her cheek and sat her on my lap. "Maya, love can be complicated. Even more in Hollywood. But this is New York. Jin seems like a sweet-soft soul. He even dares to wear pink—She cut me off. "And he loves cooking, he's very good at it. He is from Seoul, Korea and the eldest of eight siblings. Seven brothers and one sister. He can play guitar and piano, his favorite animal is an alpaca, his birthday is December 4th, his parents work together in a company like ours and he prefer to be called worldwide handsome cause he's beautiful. I thought it sounded a little Gaston-ish but worldwide beautiful is better." She ranted dreamily. Avery pointed to the TV and clapped happily. I laughed, hugging her. "What's she clapping for? That alphabet song?" She cooed. I nodded. "Worldwide beautiful got your panties in a bunch." I joked. Maya huffed. "Will you just listen sis? I do enjoy being around him but I promised I'd never mix business with pleasure. We went through too much of that in Cali." She said. Avery chewed her teething rings distractedly. Well, she isn't wrong. It be easier to date someone who isn't in your work environment. Just a chill, kind, fine guy. I managed to shake thoughts off a certain whom. "Truthfully, I still agree. But if you and Jin see each other in a different way, there's no stopping it. You two can still go on dates on weekends, text each other, pass a smile in the lobby or whatever. Work cannot affect your relationship if you don't let it. I know we learned our lessons back in Cali but don't let your past relationships affect it. Jin isn't Hollywood. He is simply someone you enjoy being around with." I advised. She smiled warmly, wiping incoming tears. I chuckled and held her hand. "Oh god, no tears. It's alright." I assured. "I really needed that. Thank you." She said, hugging me. I hugged back. Avery babbled and tried clinging to her neck. "Auntie Maya, I'd like to cuddle too." I cooed in a high-pitched voice. We laughed and parted. Maya put her on my lap while giving her the teething toy. I cleared my throat. "Hope you don't mind. I invited two interesting people over. It's time things need to be cleared." I said, smiling. She looked up from cuddling Avery. "Humor me. Who?" She asked.


The doorbell ringed. "I'll get it." I told her before unlocking the door. A casually-dressed Rachel smiled. "Hey!" She beamed. I returned the gesture and motioned her to come in. "It's a relief to see you. This week's been crazy." I told her. She nodded in understanding. "How are you?" She asked. "Great. Have you called Donna?" I asked. Rachel hung her jacket on the rack. "Nope. I just hope she isn't too mad." She told me. I looked at her weirdly. "Mad about what?" I asked. She smiled sadly. "What happened to you." Is all she spoke. That's understandable. We entered the kitchen where Maya played peek-a-boo with Avery. Her eyes widened in shock. "What the—" She said. Rachel and I laughed. She hugged her before waving at Avery. "Hi sweetheart." She squealed sweetly. She babbled endlessly. Maya hummed and turned to the buttered popcorn box, two bottles of non-alcoholic wine, our box of chocolate and vanilla ice cream on the counter. "Explains all this." She joked. Rachel chuckled. "Thanks so much. I missed us doing this since Donna left." She told us. "Me too." We replied in unison. The doorbell ringed again. A moment of silence erupted. I cleared my throat. "I'll get it." I said and run-walked to the entrance. I inhaled a deep breath before opening.


She inhaled a deep breath. "Hey Dee." I spoke quietly. She smiled softly. "Hey Liz." She said. I motioned her to come in. It seemed like she prepared a speech after a few seconds. I shushed her as we walked to the kitchen. An awkward silence occurred between the circle. Rachel shifted nervously. Maya ignored her presence by rocking Avery. Oh lord, please let this go well. I cleared my throat. "Alright. It's clear we have so much to discuss. But there will be no cattiness or whose fault it was. Let's have a conversation enough to clear the air. Ok?" I said firmly. "Ok." They muttered in unison. Avery was beginning to fall asleep so I motioned Maya to hand me her. Donna had a small smile before I put her to bed.


Maya sighed. "Donna, I've not been talking to you much this month. Why? Because of what you did. Everybody paid for your mistake, including Liz and Rachel. Me as well. Most importantly you didn't even listen to your friend about bringing the memo to Harvey or Jessica. This issue would've ended long ago. And the fact you refused to speak to anyone even though this was your mess is pretty messed up." She explained. Rachel inhaled a deep breath. "Maya, she's—I cut her off. "No, no. It's ok. They're fine. I promise. Donna?" I assured. She frowned. "I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry for what happened. I didn't mean to hurt anyone." She apologized sincerely. Maya nodded in understanding. "I know. And thankfully, that situation is over. Promise me you'll never put us in this position ever again. I love this friendship we all share and we should always be honest with each other. So, I forgive you." She said, smiling. Rachel returned the gesture. "I already forgiven you." She added. Donna smiled warmly. "Thank you." She said. I pretended to close a book while breathing a breath of relief. "Case closed!" I joked. We laughed but I shushed them. "Avery's sleep!" I whispered/yelled. They calmed down. I smiled and popped a bottle cap. "Welcome to happy hour!" I whispered/yelled. We laughed quietly.

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