A Clumsy Morning

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(Work outfit up top)


"Liz! Lizzie! Liz! Wake up!" Maya whispered/yelled while shaking me crazily. I growled and didn't turn around. "What. Do. You. Want?" I asked in my morning voice. She groaned irritatedly. "You better not forgotten. We have to pick up Isabella from the airport! She'll land at 6 sharp!" She whispered. By the time she finished, I was already awake. "Can't you do it?! I have to watch Avery!" I whispered/yelled. Maya instantly gasped. "Oh. Well. Ok, I'll go. But you better still be awake cause we also have work." She spoke a bit awkwardly. My brain clicked. "Wait, what about Isabella? It's not summer and she has school too." I mentioned. She inhaled a deep breath. "Brace yourself. She's homeschooled." She told me. That made me groan a little loud until Maya shushed me repeatedly. I stopped, knowing Avery's still asleep. This means she'd have to be at our work half the day! "Damn it!" I whispered through gritted teeth. Maya grabbed my arm and pulled me upwards. "I gotta go. We'll be back. Also relax, she isn't troublesome." She assured before rushing out. I huffed and flunked myself back in bed.


Avery still slept when I rolled out of bed and did my morning routine. She needs one more hour of sleep before seven. Truly, I wanted to stay in bed all day. Even though we need to watch Isabella. She is the first kid of Aunt Daniella's three kids. The other two are almost Avery's age. She had Isabella when she was nineteen which shocked the family. But it didn't really matter because she dreamt of being a mother for so long. The best part is it was with her longtime boyfriend. Isabella is quite the responsible cousin. She barely gets into trouble but my main concern is how clumsy she could be. The first time she played archery, that stick hit someone's knee and he needed surgery. I wrapped my hair in a bun and changed into my workout outfit:

 I wrapped my hair in a bun and changed into my workout outfit:

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I put on YouTube and played a 30-minute workout video. Once I finished, I was sweating like crazy and drinking my water bottle. My phone buzzed. I grabbed it off my nightstand. Maya sent a picture of herself in the car with a sleeping-drooling Isabella.

Twin Sis👯‍♀️❤️: Miss jet lagged!🤪😂

I broke into quiet laughter cause I might wake up Avery. I chuckled repeatedly, holding my stomach. This is beautiful! This is golden funny! I saved the picture to my gallery and texted back.

BlueQueen👑🩵: make sure the drool doesn't get on your leather seats😂😂😂

I laughed quietly before taking deep breaths to calm down. I showered and washed my hair. The moment I left the bathroom, a car was pulling up in the driveway. I almost groaned until remembering Maya had her own key so I didn't have to get the door. My work outfit was laid on my sofa chair. Changing into my lounge outfit, the sound of the door unlocking was heard. I walked out to check on Avery. She was still soundlessly asleep. "You can rest for a minute but we don't have much time. We have to be at work at eight. Ok? I'll go shower." I heard Maya whisper. "Ok, I'm tired anyway." Isabella whispered tiredly and footsteps were heard. We made eye contact. I smiled softly. "Hey Izzy." I whispered. She smiled tiredly. "Hey Liz." She whispered, walking to the guest room. Maya followed behind and smirked. "See? Told ya. No surprises happened—


We held our pounding hearts. "I'm ok!" Isabella yelled behind the door. "Mommy? Mommy?" Avery's sleepy voice called. I turned to Maya and growled. Her eyes widened. "This is hopeless." She muttered. "Mmhm." I agreed and went to put Avery back to sleep.


"Ok, everybody ready?!" We shouted from her room. Myself definitely is, but I'll make sure Avery's prepared. "Yes!" She squealed excitedly. I smiled and walked in her room. She wore a yellow dress with white stockings and blue flats. Again, school uniform. If the dress code wasn't uniforms, the outfit would be very different. Avery stuffed her favorite drawing book in her backpack because today was art class. "Excited to paint?" I asked, smiling. "Yeah!" She cheered while jumping. I laughed and picked her up. "Sweet kiss?" I asked. Avery giggled. "Ok but only one. I don't wanna ruin this masterpiece." She sassed sweetly. I scoffed and chuckled. "Now who says that?" I joked. She kept giggling. "Me mommy! I'm born beautiful!" She bragged, flicking her hair. I nodded in agreement. "And don't you forget it." I told her. Avery kissed my cheek while hugging me. I hugged back. We parted as I put her down. "Imma go see Izzy!" She beamed and skipped out. Might as well double-check her backpack. I checked her necessities twice including her Belle lunchbox. She already ate her gummy bear vitamin after breakfast. "Come get your backpack Avery!" I shouted and walked out. Giggles were heard when she came out holding Isabella's hand. "Sorry Mommy. Izzy and I talked about doing each other's hair." She told me before taking the backpack. I fake gasped. "Oh really? What would you want it to be?" I asked. Avery scratched her nose. "Uhhhh...not sure!" She quickly said. Isabella chuckled. "Oh you'll know soon." I muttered, shifting my bag strap. Maya came prepared herself. "Alright. Let's go!" She said. We walked downstairs as the girls talked. "Umm guys, I haven't ate breakfast because I fell asleep." Isabella mentioned awkwardly. Maya scoffed. "That's ok! We can stop at a drive-thru on the way." She added. My brain clicked. "Whose car she's riding in?" I whispered in her ear. She playfully rolled her eyes. "Mine." She whispered. "Because I wanna live?" I whispered sarcastically. "No! You have to take Avery to school!" She whispered/yelled. Speaking of, she stared at us confusedly. "What are you whispering about?" She asked. We fake smiled. "Nothing!" We lied in unison.

We entered the building and hit the elevator. A moment of silence surfaced. Isabella looked around impressively. "This is the law firm you work at? It looks cool! What was it called?" She asked. "Pearson Hardman." We spoke while smiling. She hummed. "Do you know them?" She asked. I nodded. "Jessica Pearson. She is good friends with Mom. Knew us way before we started working here." I explained. "And we're senior associates for two of her partners." Maya mentioned. Isabella nodded in understanding and smiled. "Who are they?" She asked. Butterflies erupted once a certain man was in my brain. I madly blushed. She smirked. "You'll see. Eh Liz?" She teased. I rolled my eyes and shifted my shoulder bag. The doors opened, revealing the scenery. We came out and got to our offices. Isabella looked between weirdly. "Uhhh, where should I go?" She asked. Maya chuckled. "Doesn't matter. It's fine." We assured. She inhaled a nervous breath and walked in my office. I sat in my chair while unzipping my bag. Isabella sat on the couch with her backpack. "Nice office." She complimented. I laughed. "Thanks! Feel free to do homework or grab books." I joked. Her attention diverted to the poster. "Is that Janet Jackson?" She asked. "Mmhm. The original Queen of Pop." I told her. She shrugged. "I'm more of a Michael fan." She said. I snickered and pulled out my laptop. "Who isn't? Would you like some Michael now?" I asked. Isabella smiled. "Really? Yes!" She beamed. I covered my mouth in a chuckle. "Nooooooo!" Maya's voice was heard when she came in. "No Michael right now. You got homework. Liz, don't start causing havoc." She said, whispering the last part. I looked at her in disbelief. Yet the princess of havoc is here. "Are we really talking about who's the wrecking ball?" I sassed. She silently glared. Isabella cleared her throat. "Can I borrow a pen?" She asked awkwardly. Maya nodded and held one out. Isabella got up but accidentally dropped her textbook on her foot. "OW! SHIT!" She blurted painfully. I covered my mouth from bursting into laughter. Isabella instantly gasped. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" She apologized. Maya massaged her foot dearly and groaned in pain. "I'm fine." She lied through gritted teeth. I smiled amusedly. "Need some ointment?" I joked. "Shut up!" She whispered/yelled. Isabella picked up the book and pen before sitting down.

"Ummm, are we interrupting something?" A deep voice that made my cheeks burn.

We turned to see Harvey and Mike. Isabella leaned toward Maya. "Are these the partners?" She whispered in her ear. I cleared my throat. "Ok. Harvey and Mike, meet our cousin Isabella. Isabella, meet Harvey and Mike. Senior partner, associate. Alright, I'm ready to visit the client." I quickly spoke. She waved shyly. Mike returned the gesture. I left the office and joined them. Harvey raised an eyebrow. "What was that all about?" He asked. I bursted into quiet laughter. "I'll tell you in the car!" I whispered. He hid an amusing grin.

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