No Ballet in Liz's World

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Watching Donna leave stung a part of me. I weren't even sure if she'll come to our house. But surprisingly, she did with her comfy outfit and a bottle of wine. Popcorn, ice cream, TV, wine glasses cheered her up though she denied many questions or subjects on 'law firms or secretaries.' She was really pissed at Harvey for what happened. All I hope is things work out but I imagine how different it'll be without her there. Today was Saturday. I did my morning routine, washed my hair and dressed. My hair was wet damped with a towel hung over my shoulder. I came downstairs to the kitchen where our living room TV played where Maya sat on the couch eating cereal. She saw me and smiled happily. "Good morning!" She beamed. I looked at her amusedly. "What's you so happy for?" I asked. She scoffed, pointing at herself. "Me? Nothing! Just in a good mood." She told me. I nodded and went to the kitchen to make cereal. "Going to the gym?" She asked, referring to my PINK bag and workout outfit. "Yup!" I quickly said. The sudden memory of running with Harvey hit. A warm crisp air, the city scenery, his ripped chest through his hoodie. Fuzziness entered my stomach and my heart skipped a few beats. I snapped out of it before I could spill the milk. I sat across from her and started eating. Donna's empty wine bottle was on the end table. Practically from yesterday. Well, I'm glad she had a great time. A chuckle popped from my lips. "What?" She asked, smirking. I motioned to the bottle. "Glad they had fun." I said while chuckling. Maya snickered. "I hope Rachel did. She deserved the time off." She spoke. I raised an eyebrow confusedly. Excuse me, she hoped Rachel had fun? Leaving Donna out of the equation? I slowly nodded. "Yes. She do. What about Donna? There wasn't three women yesterday." I asked. She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "What about her? Girls night was for you to get over a breakup. It's not yours, mine or even Rachel's fault she got fired." She sassed. I looked at her in disbelief and put my bowl down. "Seriously Maya? Why you're saying all this?" I asked. Maya sighed annoyedly. "Liz, don't sugarcoat this—I cut her off. "I'm not sugarcoating anything. I'm surprised you're being sour about Donna being fired." I told her. She playfully rolled her eyes and scoffed. "She got herself fired. She's the one who found the memo, didn't tell Harvey nor listened to you about keeping it. Instead she freaking destroyed it. The one thing that was gonna save the firm from 'committing' fraud. If that was me, I'd damn sure tell my bosses and protect the firm from fraudulent concealment. You both told her it wouldn't hurt anyone yet she didn't listen. Oh well. You got fired cause you destroyed it and it would've saved the firm." She finished, shrugging. I said nothing but stare in shock. Maya is a complete Good Samaritan. She will point out what's wrong and what's right but in her way. I would back off because that brings her 'inner bitch.' out. "Ok but whether she gets fired or not, I'd still be her friend. Wouldn't you?" I said. She nodded, turning her attention back to the TV. "Yeah, of course. But it's Donna who needs to own up to her mistake. Not everyone else." She said in a serious tone. I nodded in understanding and went back to eat. "By the way, Rachel scored us an invite to a ballet event at the Royal Hall!" Maya said, smiling. I nearly spit on my cereal and set it down. "What?!" I shrieked in a high-pitched voice. She chuckled. "She did on short notice since Donna bailed. It'll be fun! We'll get to dress styling and go sit with—I cut her off. "Quiet party goers watching someone dance in pink tights? How well you know me." I said sarcastically. Maya intertwined her fingers. "Please Liz! Please! I wanna get dolled up for tonight. It's been a long time since we attended carpet events." She told me. It is true. I remember we went to the KCAs and Teen Choice around fifteen or sixteen. Ah, those days. I huffed. "This is ballet, not an award show. I'll probably fall asleep during most of it." I whined. She hummed in response. "I knew you would say this. That's why I invited a friend to join. He doesn't like ballet but he'll go with us anyway. And he's our ride for tonight." She said, winking. I smiled teasingly. "Should I ask who is it?" I teased. She waved me off while scoffing. "Don't you got to work out?" She asked. I smirked and got up with my bag. Once I went upstairs, Harvey's sweatshirt laid on my sofa chair though I came to see if—wait my bottle is in my bag. Awkward. I ignored my twisting stomach and walked down to grab my keys. "BYE MAYA!" I shouted. "Bye!" She shouted back. I honked my car before getting in. I'll be triple damned if I'm going to a pink tight event.

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