Home Runner

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Working on the case kept me up half the night. I was able to get three hours of sleep though the memory of last night surfaced. Harvey and I were inches close to a kiss. At first it was an accidental touch, now it just seems no matter what, our hands will never part. The hidden urge to experience it all over again hit me crazily. His brown orbs, his hands cupping my cheeks, the amusing grins he'd make whenever I act silly. Including his sworn promise to never break my trust because loyalty means a whole lot to him. I always wondered why he seems to care about little o'l me. 'You care about the people you work for, you care about the people you work with.' echoed my mind. 'Elizabeth, I've only said those things because I care about you.' echoed again. Oh my god...oh my god...oh lord.
It was now I instantly gasped while putting my hand on my heart. Adrenaline rushed through my insides. Throughout this whole time, Harvey, actually, practically cared. He shown so many acts of caring to me. Especially the first night I brought Avery home, he helped me. He didn't become my attorney for custody but he helped with all the little things. I mentally groaned. The hell is wrong with me to even question why he does this? To even say unless he respects and appreciates Louis, he wouldn't get his vote? The look on him said everything. He pretends he doesn't care but he really does. Behind the grouchy, un-sentimental, hardass facade, he's nothing but kind and caring to me. Great news is Mike and I found a loophole on Solis's case! We talked everything on the phone before catching up on sleep. I felt someone's head lay on my shoulder and wrap their arm on my waist. I yawned, wiping eyes to see Avery snuggled beside me. A tired smile popped across my lips. She smiled happily. "Good morning Mommy." She spoke. I held her hand and kissed her forehead. "Morning little A. Why you're not sleeping in your bed?" I whispered. She smiled sheepishly. "Because there's bed bugs?" She guessed. I chuckled and snickered. "After almost drinking a bug? Nope." I asked. Avery covered her face embarrassingly. "Mom!" She whined. I grabbed my phone to check the time. 6:59AM. She was playing with her Barbie doll. "Mommy, can I ask you a question?" She asked. "Sure sweetie. It'll have to be quick. You have school." I told her before rolling out of bed. Avery sat criss-crossed hugging her doll to her chest. "Are you an actress?" She asked. I whipped my head toward her. "What?" I blurted. She smiled. "Are you an actress?" She repeated. "Why would you ask that?" I managed to say. Avery squealed. "Aunt Donna found videos of you and Aunt Maya on Disney. When you were little. You were great! And funny too." She said, giggling. I bite my lip amusedly. "Thank you love. Your family's kinda Disney fanatics." I joked. She nodded in agreement. I smirked, picking her off the bed and playfully swung her around. Avery laughed. "School time! Unfortunately." I joked. She giggled. "And work time! Unfortunately." She said, pouting. I looked at her in awe and walked with her to the bathrooms. "Can we see more of those videos?" She asked. "Yes but at home. Never at Mommy's work." I joked in a serious tone.

After getting myself ready, I was tying Avery's hair in one long braid. I'm impressed by her school uniform colors. She wore a blue sweater with the school crest and yellow-blueish tie. Maya was going over paperwork on the couch. Avery munched on a banana while I finished braiding and carefully slipped her headband on. I already had an apple. "All done baby." I told her. She hopped off the chair and grabbed her backpack. "Mom, is it true people grow fruits in the garden? A banana starts as a little seed?" She asked curiously. I smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "You know the story about Adam and Eve?" I asked. Avery nodded. "God created little and big things. Especially the oceans, trees, flowers. He created trees that grow stronger by water and sun. With growth, comes flowers and fruits." I explained. She raised an eyebrow confusedly. "Didn't Eve ate a fruit from the forbidden tree? Because a snake told her to?" She asked. Maya looked up from the folder. "Liz, how much Children bibles did you get her?" She joked, almost laughing. I laughed. "Yes baby. She did. But God told them to eat anything in the garden except the forbidden tree. Why is that..." I trailed off. "Because the forbidden tree has knowledge of good and evil." She finished. Our jaws dropped. Maya looked at me in shock. "Don't look at me. I only got her a bookshelf for the books." I sassed. Avery grinned. "And took me to the bookstore for the books." She added. I shushed her with my finger. Maya smirked knowingly. We gathered our things and took off to the cars. Instead of blasting music, Avery began reading a book. I smiled before starting the engine.

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