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Robin was slightly invested in understanding who Danny Bixler was.

All they'd really known about the blonde was that they went to the same middle school and that they now had first, sixth, seventh, and eighth period together. And the fact that Danny was one of the most musically talented people in the ninth grade.

The Marquand boy is helping his pregnant English teacher, Ms. Schäfer, pass out some completed tests. They stare at Danny's name on his paper for a moment. The way he wrote his name was so interesting to them for some reason. The way he made the curve in the D swoop past the starting line, and how the y always kind of underlined the 'nny' in his name. They hand the test back to the blonde, paying no more attention to the little thing.

They sit back down, looking at their own paper, seeing how they failed the test. Romeo and Juliet sucked. They couldn't understand old English. All they knew was that Ms. Schäfer would give him some bonus points for helping her out, so they took those points right as they fell into their open hands.

Danny Bixler turns to look at Robin Marquand, although barely knowing them.

"What'd you get?" He asks

Robin sheepishly looks from his paper and back to the blonde. "A 48%"

Danny quietly giggles, "I got a 59" He says, showing his paper. The whole front was completely wrong.

The two quietly laugh as the teacher starts going over the answers, silencing them.

The two didn't talk much the rest of their freshman year up until around the middle of their sophomore year. Danny had to transfer classes because his schedule got changed, and he had to drop a core class. Robin was going to a trade school for cosmetology with mostly girls and a few other boys. They were there for the hair and free license at the end of the 1250 hours they had to complete.

Danny was moved into 8th period Physical Science instead of Chemistry. The same physical science class that Robin had at that time. The teacher ended up putting Danny in the empty desk next to Robin, and they slightly rekindled their aquiatenship.

By the end of March, they were starting to become inseparable. The brunette barely had any friends to begin with. They struggled with trusting people in general. Danny crawled his way in, though, over time and lots of trust and showing that he wasn't an awful person.

By April, they'd become great friends. The blonde had a little falling out with his friend group, and so he had a few little friendships. And Robin.

By May, the brunette had met Ellie Bixler, Danny's mom, and his two younger sisters. Bridget was 14 at the time, and Kassie was 9. They'd never met their father, though. He was always busy at work and stuff. The few times Robin had seen him were through pictures on the walls or after late shifts at the office where he never batted an eye to another person.

Danny explained that his dad had just worked a lot, and maybe someday he'd be able to properly introduce the two. Robin didn't mind, though. He just liked having a best friend to have sleepovers with and hang out with outside of school. The whole summer, the two had spent all day every day with each other.

By next November, LA was still pretty warm. Danny got a tattoo on his forearm that Robin drew for him back in August.

Robin loved Ellie. They were on a first name basis. She basically saw him as another child. She loved having him around, especially for Danny. She knew her son never had this kind of tight bond with another person, so she loathed every time her husband came home to make some snarky comment about it to her.

Ellie had a calm demeanor. She was a cool mom. She had tons of tattoos, but she was one of the nicest people that Robin had ever met. She'd never lay a hand on her kids, her babies. She loved those kids like nothing else.

She was big into anything with arts and technical arts. She'd passed those kinds of interests to her kids. Danny was super into music and wanted to be a DJ, Bridget was into designing and crafting things in her spare time, and Kassie... Kassie was Kassie. She cut the heads off her dolls and made new random things with them. She made new toys out of the ones she'd cut up. Ellie learned to just accept her youngest daughter's way of expressing herself and not trusting her with her scissors for too long.

The events of November 23rd, 2023, scared the piss out of Robin for multiple reasons.

One, Ellie would never hurt her kids.

Two, Robin never expected that their theories of demons and ghosts would end up being true.


Merry Christmas, yall got a full chapter up next that I'm posting with this lol. enjoy ur days guys!! :3

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