ii ; best friends, definitely

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November 16th was as every other Friday went around the Bixler's household.

"And the crowd goes mild!" Robbie laughs

Danny glares back at them, "Take that shit back."

"Nahhhh. Your sister's better"

"Oh you fuckhead. Get out. Bad girl- boy- person!"

Robin cackles, doubling over for a moment. "I genuinely can't understand what you were trying to do there"

"Playfully flirt by saying 'bad girl' but forgot you're not a girl or a boy and, like, yeah" Danny shrugs. "Sorry" He mumbles

"It's fine" They shrug, trying to rid the air of any awkward tension. "My little gay agenda radicalist slips up sometimes, hashtag I won't cancel you babe"

Danny blinks three times silently, looking at them with his lips slightly apart. "Robs, what?" He giggles

"My little gay agenda radicalist" They giggle and smile as they repeat the phrase. "You're a bisexual man, I'm a bisexual person, it's gonna happen at some point"

"I... never describe me as a gay agenda radicalist ever again" He laughs, pushing his hair back.

He sits on the bed next to Robin, watching as they shuffle up their Cards Against Humanity. His head is tilted down, but his eyes are focused on theirs, their full attention on the cards in their hands.

"Hey, uh, so, y'know how you're bi and stuff? Do you, like, have a preference between genders or not really, or what's that like for you?" Danny asks, wanting to make some small talk.

Robbie shrugs, looking back up at him as they set the game up again. "I don't think I have a preference, I do kind of have a type though, why?"

Dan shrugs, "Just asking. Cause for me I kinda like non-feminine people more, I think, and I was just wondering how it is for you"

The brunette nods, picking at some of their chipped nail polish.

"Okay, first one. Do not dare putting down the Hannah Montana answer first or I swear..." Robin chuckles, placing the first prompt down.

'Coming to Broadway, this season ; _______ The Musical'

Danny cackles, quickly choosing his card as he waits for his friend to choose as well. Robin looks at him with a look of sarcastic worry as they choose theirs. The two set the cards down in unison.

Danny set down 'Sexual tension' and Robin set down 'Mormon feminists'

Danny fake scoffs, "I like yours more, the fuck?" He laughs

Robbie giggles, "I was gonna pick something else but I wanna save it"

The blonde shrugs, placing down another prompt.

'The person next to you has _____'

The two quickly set down their cards.

The blonde chose 'Powerful thighs' and the brunette chose 'Dead parents'

"What's that about my thighs?"

The blonde looks up nervously, "Uhhhh, nothing!"

"No, no, that's something!" Robin laughs.

"I can explain!"

"What is there to explain?"

"You- uh, your thighs are great, Robs, I, not like that! In a friendly way!-"

Bridget slams the double doors open, looking at Robbie and Dan. "Guys. I have horrible news, and you need to promise to not kill me" The fifteen year old speaks.

The two sixteen year olds look up at her, with Robin brushing their hair out of their face.


"What's up?"

Bridge dramatically sighs, "We're being forced to eat hamburgers again"

The two older teens groan and fake cry.

"Why must mother dearest do this to us?" Danny fake sobs, rolling off his bed and onto the floor. "My lovely romantic partner whom I am married too will die if they eat another standard American food!"

Robin plays into the joke as well, laying sideways on the bed, "I'm fucking dying as we speak!" They groan and fake cry. "Why must we deal with this abuse?"

Bridget giggles, seeing their reactions, "I'm kidding, we're having pasta"

"Thank fucking God!"

"Jesus Christ we thank you our Lord and saviour!"

The two laugh as they fake pray, jumping around the room. The two were atheists, making the joke apparent.

The fifteen year old laughs, "Alright, mom said dinner would be ready in 15 so wrap up whatever you're doing soon. Bye" She closes the doors behind her as she leaves.

Robin and Danny get up, cleaning the cards up since they both moved the sheets and mattress around as they moved, causing them to get displaced. The two look up at each other by coincidence and Robbie takes the chance to speak.

"Hey, what was the romantic partner joke?" They chuckle. "Kinda random, Dan"

Danny shrugs, "You called me babe so I get to call you something romantic"

Robin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "I did?"

The blonde nods, flipping the cards all to one side for his friend.

"Must be a habit at this point" They shrug.

"Habit?" Danny questions

"I think I call you like, babe and darling more than I realize when I joke around with you and it's like, part of my vocabulary now" They explain with a shrug, putting the cards back in the box.

Dan hums, fixing his hair.

"Dans, do you need a haircut?" They ask, "I can do it for you"

The blonde shakes his head, "It's fine, I just need a shower"

The two sit back down on the bed, looking at each other for a little too long.

After a moment, Danny speaks up. "You remind me of this song by Lil Peep. It's called 'give u the moon,'" He says in a quiet tone, not wanting to ruin the calm atmosphere.

Robbie lightly smiles, "You realize I showed you that song, right?"

Danny nods, "Yeah" He chuckles.

The two go silent, staring at each other for a minute. Just examining each other's features, taking in the comfort of just existing in the same room. They did this often, just enjoying one another's presence.

"What are we?" Robin whispers

Danny slightly tilts his head in confusion.

"Are we just friends, or are we best friends?"

He furrows his eyebrows, "Best friends, definitely."

Danny feels something inside his chest, he didn't know if it hurt or maybe he was getting sick or just anxious, but he felt it. He wished there was another level for friends like him and Robin, friends who were more than just best friends.

"Best friends listen to Hozier together, actually." Robin crosses their arms in fake frustration.

"We can listen to all the Hozier you want, Robbie. Anything for you" Danny chuckles, standing up to find his Hozier vinyls to place on his turntable.

"I wanna listen to 'Wasteland, Baby!'"

"You got it babe!"


idk cute lil intro for chemistry purposes heheheh

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐎𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz