vi ; i want to listen to those vinyls

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Bridget nods, "I see that now"

The two sit in silence before Bridge stands up, going to the kitchen to inspect her wound.

Robin stands up, joining Beth and Danny in the boy's room.

"Dude stop touching it" Robin groans, seeing the two flipping through the pages.

Danny retracts his hands, remembering what they said earlier as he realizes that it was real. He shows Beth the records, telling her which had the weird chant on it that made the demon come to life in the first place.

Beth looks back to Robin, questioning their remark.

Danny answers for them as they already looked sickly. They bend down, shoving their work clothes into their backpack, and then they grab a journal and a pen.

"It's made of uh... human skin, and blood"

Beth sucks on her bottom lip, quickly pulling her hands away from it. "Cool" she whispers, her tone sarcastic.

"The Monde is possessed by a killer demon guys, isn't this fun?" Robin chuckles, sitting on the floor, "Wow, what an awesome night we're having."

Beth mumbles as she inspects the book, "Yeah, how fun"

Some minutes pass before the three hear Kassie screaming, and they quickly run to her aid as fast as they could. Ellie had her in a chokehold through the crack in the door. Danny and Beth release Kassie from her mother's grasp, Robin moves the chair back in place as Beth slams the door. Danny tries to comfort Kassie as Ellie bangs on the door.

"I thought mom was better, I'm sorry," Kass cries.

"Open the door like how you open your legs, you fucking groupie slut!"

The sisters yell through the door while the three kids watch from the floor.

"I'm not a groupie you psycho bitch!"

The banging stops and Beth breathes heavily, leaning her head against the door.

"Beth" Danny says, "Beth?"

She looks over at the trio. "Go to your room."

They walk back to Kassie and Bridget's shared room, Danny curled into a ball on Kassie's bed. Kass sits on the beanbag chair while Robin stares out the window across the room.

Kassie sits next to her brother, who's having a little panic attack as he accepts that this whole situation is his fault.

"It'll be okay Danny" The girl speaks, taking a deep breath. "Staffanie will protect us, right?"

Danny sniffles as he looks back up at her. "Yeah" He whispers with a nod, wrapping an arm around her.

He looks down at Robin who's fidgeting with their fingers as they write in their journal. Danny reads a bit of it, seeing how they were ranting about some good memories to keep their mind off the current situation at hand.

Danny had seen this journal a couple times, the cover was plain black, and on the front was a few stickers they'd gotten off of AliExpress or something. Their pen was a standard black pen, which they'd actually stolen from their Geometry teacher as a dare from... Jake. And Danny, but he was just there. Jake dared them to do it.

Danny taps Robin's head with his finger, giving them a look of "are you okay?"

They nod, shutting the notebook.

They look back up at the pair, "Beth's gonna get us help, right?"

"Of course she is," Danny nods, knowing that Robin didn't know Beth well, needing reassurance to trust her.

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