vii ; that was really hot, by the way

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"Remember that time you picked me up from work and I was covered in marinara sauce and being chased by my manager and an angry Karen customer?" Robin chuckles, looking over at Danny who was holding a knife

Danny snorts, "Yeah"

"Sometimes I think about that..." They say, looking down at the floor as they lean against the counter. "You looked at me all worried and you drove away like a maniac while I started to cry and like, you weren't upset at me for getting pizza sauce all over your car and you actually understood how I felt. It's nice to know people understand that I'm a human too" They shrug

Danny looks at Robin softly.

They lightly scoff, "Sorry, uh, I dunno. I'm... if one of us dies, just, uh, thank you. For being my friend and being with me through everything."

"We aren't gonna die, Robbie" Danny says, setting the knife on the counter as he approaches them. "And that's what friends are for, to be there" He shrugs.

"Y'know that one time you came over to my house and complimented my room? That meant a lot to me. Same with how you pick me up from work most days and you understand my feelings and my anxieties." Robin rants. "You're the bestest friend I've could've ever asked for"

Danny looks at them, leans against the counter and looks down at his shoes. He slowly and very carefully takes their hand in his, and interlocks their fingers together. He could feel his heart breaking in a million pieces at that.

"You're the bestest friend I could ever ask for"

It crushed his soul.

He squeezes their hand in the darkness, too afraid to look at them.

They looked at their hands, then to Danny who was looking down.

They gave him a soft, confused look, wondering why he looked so nervous and was holding their hand.

Danny looks up at them, holding eye contact.

He searches their eyes, brown like hot chocolate on a winter's day, comforting like a blanket wrapped around you as you look for warmth. The blonde's pupils dilated, his thumb rubbing their knuckles.

Their eyes looking at him made him feel fuzzy and warm inside, like he was entering a warm shower after playing in the snow. The stars that shone in their eyes when they were excited or in awe shined brighter than glow worms in the night. He'd been fighting feelings for too long at this point to where he started feeling them so abundantly, coming down like the rush of the Victoria Falls. He felt like he was dying in the best way possible as he looked at them.

Their beauty was like no other. He was lost in their current like a priceless wine, their sapidity like rose and bourbon, sweet yet tangy. This is a perfect reflection of their selfless kindness and sarcastic attitude.

Danny was once told by his grandfather that a priceless wine tastes so good that you get so lost in the taste that you don't realize how much you've drunk. They were rare, special, limited, prized, like no other to him.

He felt like a poet when he looked at them.

He looks between their hands and them again, silently.

He couldn't feel anything in that moment other than the warmth that Robin naturally gave him.

Danny's lips open as he wants to say something, but a noise frightens the two, snapping them back to reality.

Kass, in the living room, runs to the two out of fear. Danny grabs the knife he was trusted with, slowly treading towards the door. He looks out of the peephole, seeing nothing. The noise is heard again, in the ceiling however.

"Mr. Fonda's cat crawls in the vents sometimes" Kassie speaks quietly.

The trio follow the noise, looking up at the ceiling, the trail leading them back to Danny's room, where Beth was listening to the vinyls. Robin stands off to the side, Kassie on the one end of the couch as Danny places a hand on the doorknob.

He feels something in his gut, something bad this time. Unlike the feeling when he starred into the eyes of his muse-

He turns around, his look becoming one of horror as he shouts Kassie's name. He runs towards her, pushing her away from Bridget, floating across the living room at top speed. He lightly gasps, having wrapped an arm around Bridge, still covered in the sheets.

He pulls away, now unarmed as the knife was plunged in her stomach.

Bridge screeches, pushing back on Danny's shoulders, pushing him into the kitchen and against the countertop. She pulls out the knife, letting the fleshy sounds be absorbed as Dan stares up at her, terrified. Blood had seeped onto the sheets a bit more as she raised the knife.

"Robin!" Danny screams, using his whole might, his whole force to scream for them. He feels his throat burn as he yells, his lungs emptying of air. "Robbie! Help me!" He cries.

He grabs the sheets, trying to push Bridget off of him. Robin quickly runs in, having checked if Kassie was okay, still appalled by the attack. They quickly take action, disarming the deadite. They throw the knife across the room, landing on the floor next to the doorframe. They lock Bridge in a chokehold, the bloodied sheets now spilled on the floor. They squeeze as tightly as they can, Bridget's fingers clawing at them urgently as she gags for air.

Danny is unable to take action, he's just watching Robin place his possessed sister in a chokehold. Shit that was hot.

Bridget's clawing gets the best of them, having ripped some of the skin on their forearm open, deep enough to where blood was pouring out of the wound. The last rip causes them to fall to the floor, meanwhile, Bridge pins Danny against the counter again, vomiting blood all over him. Probably a gallon of blood is poured onto him. He's unable to fight her off, his arms pinned to the countertop at his elbows. He screams, turning his head to the right to avoid any blood vomit getting in his mouth, eyes, or nose.

Robin's arm is gushing blood, the claw marks about two or three inches deep. They've been yelling in pain, watching the blood spit out of the wounds. They grab the knife, holding it in their left hand as they use their legs to push themselves towards Bridge. They struggle, but they push for Danny.

Danny who was screaming for their help, for their senseless kindness, for the fact that they would do anything to protect the ones they love. Bridge turns around, seeing Robin approaching. She screeches, causing Robin to let go of the knife and cover their ears. She uses some sort of telekinetic ability to grab the knife from the floor, and raises it, turning back to the blonde.

"Told you that you should've put the book back Danny!" She says, her voice distorted just as Ellie's was.

She brings the knife down, stabbing Danny in the arm, twice. He screams, reaching for a bottle of pan grease across the stove, still turned on and burning a flame.

Bridget laughs, bringing the weapon back up again to stab her brother again. He pushes down on the can, spraying fire at her. The demon screeches.

Robin gasps, crawling away as Bridget is engulfed in flames. The girl falls to the floor, temporarily defeated once more.

Robin breathes deeply, looking up at Danny. Tears fill their eyes due to pain and fear, clutching the bread knife in their hand. They see Danny recompose himself, wiping some blood from his hair, feeling the burning agony of the wounds he'd acquired.

Danny waits a moment before speaking again.

"That was really hot by the way"


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