♔︎Chapter 22: It's not easy being a Black♔︎

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"I can't believe it! She's done it again!" Hermione reads, "Miss. Granger, a plain but ambitious girl seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey, sources report, is none other than Bulgarian bonbon, Viktor Krum. Now onto a more pressing matter, Y/n Black and Harry Potter both wizards seemed have been caught I none other than their very own common room cuddled on one of the couches-" She pauses to look up at Harry and I.

At her drops I drop my bread roll on my plate and look over at Harry who snatches the paper from her grasp. "And what were you two doing out of bed last night," Ron looks between the both of us and I scoff throwing my roll at him. 

"Gods Ronald, get out of the gutter would you." He snickers at my response. "I had fallen asleep on the couch while reading, Harry saw me and woke me. That's all, plus we live together, so it's not like we haven't shared a couch before." I ramble on.

"Sounds like to me she's trying to defend herself," Seamus grins, causing Ron to laugh. "Shut it, both of you," Harry snaps at Ron and Sea. He then continues reading, "It seems to be Miss. Black had trapped Mr. Potter by using her female emotions to take over. By using this tactic, she was able to slither her way right into his arms, like the snake she is." 

With my now dried mouth I simply stare, I stare into Harry's eyes because he knew what had truly happened. I confessed my feelings in the worst way possible. And now those 'Female emotions' are what I used against him, as if being a woman is some sort of battle maneuver. 

I stand up from my seat and the Great Hall falls silent around me. 

"I'll meet you lot later," I mutter, dragging my feet to send a letter off to my parents.  After writing my letter I make my way to the owlery, and on the way I meet up with Fleur. "Have you gotten a date for the Ball yet?" She ponders and I furrow my brows, "What Ball?"

"The Yule Ball! It's a tradition held on Christmas eve during every Triwizard tournament, and I was wondering if you've got a date yet." Fleur smiles softly at me, and I shake my head in response, "No, this is the first I'm hearing of it. Why do you ask?" 

"I wish to ask you to be my partner of course! Plus, I do believe I will take some tension off of you and Potter," At her words I discreetly pic at my nails, "Oh, um. You know of that?" She nods, "Don't stress darling, most know it is not the truth. And if we're being quite frank, then I truly wish to avoid the boys here at Hogwarts." At times I do forget Fleur is part veela, which is somewhat surprising when my mind calms itself. 

"Of course, I will be Fleur, but just to be clear. We are going as friends, correct?" I stammer over my words, smiling nervously hoping to the Gods she means as friends.

"Yes, darling!" She laughs, "Even though I wouldn't mind having a beautiful lady by my side like you, I have a feeling you fancy someone else." She smirks, gently shoving me with her shoulder. I smile at her and nod, "That I do, but right now isn't a good time for us, seeing as the tournament and the Skeeter thing." 

"Y/n, there is never a right time for love, darling." I sigh looking at the ground, "I'm starting to believe your right." When the both of us reach the owlery, I retrieve my owl Moonshine and tie the letter to her leg. "To Papa and Dad, Moonshine." I smile gently watching her lift her wings and fly through the sky. 


"Y/n!! Have you heard the news!? There's going to be a ball! McGonagall is having the Gryffindor's meet this morning to discuss it." Hermione smiles brightly at me, "This means we've got to get dresses too!" 

I look up at her with furrowed brows, forgetting I stayed out until late last night. She had been asleep when I returned to our dorm, "Oh yeah, I found out yesterday, but you were asleep when I got back." I confess but her smile doesn't falter.

𝑁𝑜𝑡 𝐴𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 (𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑃.)Where stories live. Discover now