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Jessica pov

No Nora am not going anywhere especially not with you not after you left me alone when we went out the last time  am not going.

"Babe please please I told you am sorry and it won't happen again"

That is the thing you keep saying you are sorry but you do not sound or look sorry what if I followed you to the party again and you decide to follow some one again,

"I promise it won't happen this time and beside it's a boring party and I do not know anybody there I have to go because of my boss and I asked him if I could bring some one along and he said yes please"

Nora this is the last time I will go out with you if you leave me alone at this party this is your last chance.

"Yes I promise I won't leave you. Now bitch let's go shopping we need to find something sexy to where who knows you might find some one"

Nora no am not going there to look for "some one" okay am going to the party with you so that you will not be bored to death, okay babe.

When is the party any way," oh it's on Thursday 5pm, okay I will  tell my boss then bye am going to work....

"Oh my GOD you look beautiful" I roll my eyes yeah thanks, she is exaggerating I know I look a little bit different but she is exaggerating.

You look pretty too, I know am pretty she said, you know a thank you wouldn't kill you right?

She looks at me and roll her eyes why should I tell you thank you for saying something I already know, yeah but still..

Jessica, Nora when are you guys going I thought you said the party is 5pm it's almost 6 pm my mum shouts from downstairs.

Yeah mum we are coming, we walked down stairs," wow you guys look pretty".

Thanks mum we have to let's go Nora.

We arrived at the party, we are late but it's not like anybody will notice well except Nora's boss and he is calling her, she signs I have to go duty calls,

"Wait this does not count as leaving you alone right?

No of cause not go we would not want you to get fired now would we? So it's fine go , okay I love you I will be I promise.

I mean I love this kind of party every body is sitting some are standing but everybody is minding their business I like that I look around and find some where to sit before Nora come back.

Hey, I signed, not interested you do not want to talk to me trust me I will bore you to death I said sipping my wine  not even looking at the person talking to me.

"Why are you not interested? Unnn?" I said why are you not interested", why are you saying it like I have to have interest in you.

"I mean am handsome, am rich and you are sitting alone so..." Look I cut him off I do not have time for this, I will just stand up okay.

I picked my purse and stand up as I am about to work away he grabbed my hand, dude what part of am not interested do you not understand?

"I know you are interested you are just Playing hard to get"

What? Please leave me GOD this is embarrassing, if you could just sit down and stop playing hard to get then it wo....

She said she is not interested a voice cut him off , I look forward to see who it is wait Conrad?...


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