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So am late but a it's not my fault it because nora didn't let me leave the house until she was satisfied with my make up and dress which I love her for by the way because I look good in this dress but am late so I have to go.

"Do you think we should change something else" Nora said.

No Nora am already late everything is perfect and it not a date it's a dinner for helping me.

"Well Kyle also helped me home but you did not see us going for a dinner to thank him"

Yeah but did Kyle help you from before I could finish Nora interrupt me.

"Girl it fine you do not have to explain you look beautiful bye now go to your man before he leaves"

Okay  bye when mum comes back from her friends place tell her where I went okay bye now.

When I entered the restaurant the server showed me to the table Conrad was already there sitting down pressing his phone , with his don't talk to me look.

When he saw me he smiled okay why is he smiling God he is  just handsome let's focus and why am standing and not going to him God this is embarrassing he definitely saw me checking him out.

Still smiling he stand up pull the chair for me okay someone his trying to be a gentleman, after pulling the chair he went back to his sit and he said

"Looks like someone had a little trouble finding the place, huh? Don't worry I won't run off in a huff just yet"

he said still with the beautiful smile on his face umm who is this and where is Conrad I thought, I didn't tell him because I do not want to change the mood .

"But I must say you look beautiful tonight" he continues,

Umm okay I know how to tease to so I told him just tonight then are you saying I was not beautiful the other times you saw me?

"I mean you are beautiful and cute always"

I laughed out just kidding you look handsome too.

Then the server came to our table with napkins and water and gave us the menus they also told us the recommendation of the evening.

I ordered a salad with grilled chicken, avocado, and a fizzle of vinaigrette. Conrad ordered a grilled steak with mashed potatoes and grilled vegetables.

After the sever left we just sat in silence again awkward silence so am going to speak I shouldn't but I will.

So I just wanted to break the silence for a moment,

Do you have how do you spend your free time?

Do you have any hobbies or interests that you are passionate about.

Wait why did u ask that why do I want to know that I should not have ask that this is not even a date.

Emm forget I said that you do not have to answer that am sorry.

" What are you sorry for" he said,

For asking you that it's not like we are friends or but he did not let me finish,

" It fine I thought we have passed this stage look if it about our blind date I shouldn't have done that and am sorry I have my reason which I can't say so don't ask I know that does not give me the right to say that  but am sorry I really am"

He said, I mean he does not have to apologize have already forgotten i won't ask him to dinner if I haven't,

It is fine I said .

" So the question you asked well I love working out and learning more about history what about you"

he said looking Into my eyes, I just I can't stop looking into his eyes he is attractive I don't know.

Umm I think you should answer him now are you having a staring contest? The voice in my head said.

Oh umm well I love reading you see I work at a book store and I love it.

He nods then the server brings our food and we eat while still learning things about each other after we finish eating and it time to pay.

The server brings the check to the table, Jessica reaches for it to pay, but Conrad beat me  to it, taking a check and slipping a credit card into the leather pouch.

" No no let me pay" he says reaching for Jessica wrist to stop her.

What? I said I invited you out, so it's only fair that I pay, I protest.

"Actually I already took care of it" Conrad says nodding to the server who who looks at Jessica with a smirk.

" But since you are so insistent how about you pay for the next one?

Wait is he asking me out, my cheek flush and I can't help but smile as I realised that Conrad is asking me out for a date.

You are asking me out? I asked a grin spread across my face.

"Yes and I wouldn't want you to pay twice in a row" corad says returning my smile

I nod unable to contain my excitement, I'd like that.

We then went outside and Conrad realised I did not bring my car.

"You didn't bring your car?" He asked raising  an eyebrow.

I didn't bring it I said a bit embarrassed.

Conrad nods and offer me a smile, " Don't worry I will give you a ride home, come on get in"

I nod and I head towards his car.

As we pull up in my apartment, well looks like we are here.

Thank you so much for dinner, and the ride.

"You are welcome" he said, I smiled and reach for the door handle ready to step out.

"Wait hold on a second" his hands on the handle .

What is it? I asked

"I want to work you to your door" he says.

My face lit up I nod a little bit flustered.

Why is he doing this I thought, I would like that.

Thanks for the dinner again I said standing outside my door.

"Anytime he said" staring at me at me,

why does he keep staring at me like that God, I opened the door before I say something embarrassing goodnight I said.

"Goodnight Jessica" he said with a smile and I went inside with a smile on my face I entered my room and saw that Nora was on the bed pressing her phone.

"So she said how was it" I smiled well he asked me out.

Nora screamed, " I told you he likes you so what did you say did you say yes?"

Yes I did I answered,

"Oh my God tell me the details" okay.

After telling Nora the details I changed to my pyjamas then my phone ding.

Mr cold: hey Jessica I know we just had  dinner but I still want to ask when the date should be

Me: how about Friday night we could grab a drink at the new cocktail bar downtown.

Mr cold: sounds great I will pick you up at 8.

I close my phone with a smile and get back to what I was doing ..

Hi I just want to say as the relationship between Jessica and Conrad continues to develop, I hope that the pace feels just right for the viewers. I don't want to rush things too quickly, but I also don't want to stretch things out for too long. If you have any feedback about the pacing of the story so far, please let me know in the comments below. I value your opinions and appreciate your support, thank you don't forget to vote and comment ♥️

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