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I woke up early in the morning, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep.  Nora already left for work. I quickly got dressed and made my way downstairs, where i found my mother in the kitchen.  She waved at me, and I smiled back, waving hello before pouring myself a cup of coffee.

She looked over at me, sipping her own cup of coffee. "Heading out to work already?"

"Yes, I've got an early shift today," I  said, taking a sip of my coffee. "I've got to be at the bookstore before it opens."

She nodded, taking another sip of coffee. "Well, be careful out there. The construction on Main Street has been getting progressively louder lately, and I don't want you getting stuck in traffic."

I laughed. "Don't worry, Mom. I'll leave early enough to avoid the worst of it. I won't be late."

"Good,"she  said. "And don't forget to call me when you get there, just so I know you made it safely."

"I will, Mom. I'll see you tonight."

With a final nod, I made my way out of the house and into my car, feeling excited for my shift. I loved the bookstore, and working there made me feel like I was a part of something special, helping people find the books they needed and making recommendations to customers. And, of course, it didn't hurt that I got a discount on books myself.

After I got to work I went to stand behind the counter check.

I was standing behind the checkout counter, sorting through a stack of books that a customer had just returned. I smiled warmly at the customer, acknowledging her as she walked up to the counter.

"Thank you for returning these," i said, taking the books from the customer and scanning them to make sure they were in good condition. "Is there anything else I can help you with today?"

The customer smiled back at me,  her eyes glinting with gratitude. "Actually, yes. Do you have any recommendations for a good mystery novel? I'm looking for something suspenseful to read on my vacation next week."

My  eyes lit up at the request, and i immediately went into recommending mode. "Oh, I have just the thing! This new thriller by a local author is getting rave reviews, and it has a twist that you won't see coming. Would you like me to get you a copy?"

The customer nodded excitedly, and i quickly pulled the book off the shelf and handed it to her with a smile. "I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think when you're done!"

The customer thanked me  for my help and left the bookstore, and I watched her go, feeling a sense of accomplishment. I loved helping customers find the perfect book and knew that this one was sure to be a hit. I looked forward to hearing what the customer thought about it, and made a mental note to recommend it to others as well.

After the customer left I couldn't stop thinking about  Conrad I haven't heard from him since the dinner and I've been counting down the days until Friday. I can't believe it's already been a whole week since our last dinner. I can't stop thinking about it -- how sweet he was, how handsome, Everything about that night was perfect. I keep replaying it in my head over and over. I hope he's as excited for this  date as I am.

Then I received a text from him

Mr cold: Hi Jessica, I've been thinking about our date tonight. And I'd really like to change our plans. I'd love to cook you dinner at my place. Do you think that's okay? Let me know if you're interested.

Me:Hey Conrad, that sounds like a lovely idea, what time should I be there?
He replied with "8 PM " and his address I dropped my my phone with a smile.

I am counting down the hours till Friday.


I'm so excited to be sharing my stories with you all, and I appreciate those who have taken the time to read and comment. Your feedback and engagement are so valuable to me, and I hope that my stories will continue to bring you enjoyment. I look forward to hearing from more of you!

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