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Jessica pov

"well he his handsome, if only he his not rude then maybe just maybe I will tell you to go for him , I mean I have not see him being rude and I think he his not rude but since you said he his rude I have to believe you"

Well he was not rude today he saved me from a jerk that doesn't know how to take no for an answer and think everybody should be interested in him because apparently he is "rich and handsome" now I don't know about the rich but handsome? I can't see it.

"Oh really? wait did you just say some.." it's fine I cut her off let's just enjoy the party.

"So do you like him? Who Conrad? " I mean maybe you just need to know him more he might not be that rude, and you need to be in a new relationship, it's like even when you are not with your ex he his still controlling you" trust me you do not have to worry about my ex I am over and Conrad is my type and .. oh my GOD "what" I just locked eye with his friend and he smiled he his definitely going to tell him this is embarrassing please let's stop talking about them.

"His friend? Oh his friend he his handsome and definitely my type" I scoffed of cause Nora he his your type every body his your type even Jake Steve? Whatever his name his that we met at the club is your type.

"What I did not say that" I mean you keep staring and smiling at him I am you friend I should know that at least," whatever did he text you" no and am happy because I did not want him to text me, "okay enough about him do you think we should go to them" no Nora don't start
"Fine you are boring" whatever let's just enjoy the party "okay" apparently when I said let's enjoy the party to Nora it's meant let's talk about Conrad and his friend because that is what we did at the party we talked about Conrad...


Chapter 11 ♥️

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