Dark Equus

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    Young Eirik grew and thrived throughout that winter

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Young Eirik grew and thrived throughout that winter. Raissa learned to love the little boy who was not of her expectations, and Sven made a magnificent recovery integrating once more into the circle of men, and re assuming his second in command status.

Bennett never chose to raise the matter of the damning amulet with Sven, though his curiosity burned to know the entire story. However some things were better left to lie. His henchman had suffered more than enough for any transgression he may have committed. In spite of this Sven seemed to hold no malice at all toward his younger brother, though the price he had paid to cover Aran's actions was high. In light of this Bennett now watched Aran carefully, in recent months he had noticed the young man's confidence, and prowess blossom. He seemed less content to stay on the sidelines, and had he not taken up the mantle of leadership swiftly in Bennett's absence? He liked it not. All these things being reason to now feel uneasy over Aran's presence.

Two of the three young maidens Sarah and Kate were now also with child. The rains came, they were bountiful, assuring the soil would be in fine shape to plant the spring garden. Abundant grasses, white and yellow carpets of wild flowers bloomed on the usually barren sands, the endless miles of them stretching in every direction as far as the eye could see. The horses, and mules regained their vigor. The flock of goats depleted numbers swelling with the arrival of many young kids, ensuring an ongoing food supply for tough times. Bennett had mended his relationship with his old friend, and Sven and Aran had been given the gift of just being brothers again. Both men enjoying the kudos of being the uncle and father to the newest member of the camp. Raissa too basking in the attention her baby afforded her, she felt like some kind of celebrity.

If all this bounty was not enough there was no evidence of any kind they had been located by their enemies and traced to this valley. With a reduced force to feed there was less of a strain on the food supply, and life was as easy as it had been for many years. Freed from most of the pressures of the past few months, there was time to see to many tasks that had been left long neglected.

The western pass though heavily overgrown was shored up to prevent the passage of intruders. The stores were inventoried and restocked, most of the dry rations were spent, the alcohol all but gone. Though there were still quite a respectable cache of weapons and ammunition. Order was returned to the huts and the workings of the camp.

Nathan was interred in the unused shipping container that faced away from Bennett's own, with a view of the dried river bed. He was provided with a simple pallet and a place to shelter from the weather. Chained securely about the ankle that he might perform some useful work in the garden and gather if he so wished with the other slaves in the camp's centre. The teenage boy felt abandoned and cast aside it was a bitter pill. He would watch his Master as he came and went from the adjoining cabin, but it was as though Nathan no longer existed. The boy could hear the menacing man in there enforcing his reign of dominance over his captive. Black jealousy simmered ever below the surface of the impressionable youth, like summer grass waiting for a forest fire.

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