X- unsavoury

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(Y/n) didn't know what to do with herself.

She'd been pacing back and forth in her bedroom for god knows how long, hugging herself and trying desperately to clear her mind. To think rationally and keep her simmering anxiety from exploding into a full blown panic attack.

She felt terrible for the way she'd treated Stella earlier. None of this was her fault after all, yet (Y/n) had completely ignored her all their way back home.

She had just been so desperate to leave and go back home, to find herself alone again. So overwhelmed by fear and anxiety, that she had treated her friend with the frost of winter.

For the time being this wasn't what bothered her the most though.

She let out a shaky sigh, rubbing her hands up and down her arms. She had to remind herself of the facts she had in her possession.

The first one being that she was hours away from her home, and thus hours away from Simon. He was probably still in the same city she'd escaped, and even if he wasn't, the chances of him choosing (Y/n)'s new town out of all the available places on the map were very slim.

'But not zero.'

And second, she had only seen the man's back. She hadn't seen his face, nor had she seen him from up close. Chances of this man being someone else were high, in spite of the uncanny resemblance between him and (Y/n)'s worst nightmare.

'It was him. You know it.'

(Y/n) plopped down on her bed, tucking her knees up to her chest and burying her head in her arms.

Her psychiatrist had told her this would probably happen. That she'd probably still be haunted by the fear of crossing Simon's path for years to come, and that his face would come back to haunt her over and over again.

And indeed, Simon's face had lurked like a constant threat at the back of her mind, present in her nightmares and worst flashbacks. But never had he come out of the dark to haunt her in broad daylight when she was fully awake and aware of her senses.

Even so, she couldn't bring herself to think that this had really been Simon standing a few feet away from her. Not only because she didn't want to fathom the possibility but also because there would be no reason for him to be here in the first place.

What she had seen, or thought she had seen, had to be a weird sort of hallucination.

(Y/n) had been doing better these days, both thanks to her work with her psychiatrist and the distance from her step brother. She had had less nightmares, less flashbacks and was slowly learning to live with her trauma.

But maybe it was time for her to call Mrs. Clark again?

As if on cue, (Y/n)'s phone buzzed in her pocket, and judging by the time it must have been her mother calling her to get some news and hear about her day.

Any other day, any other moment, (Y/n) would have picked up right away, eager to share the events of her day with her mother and happy to hear about her mother's day as well.

Right now though? She knew that if she answered her mother would pick up on something being wrong. She had that kind of power, a mom thing probably. As every time something was wrong with (Y/n) her mother never failed to sense it, no matter how much work (Y/n) put into hiding it from sight.

And the last thing (Y/n) wanted was for her mother to worry.

So (Y/n) ignored the call, and decided she'd call her mother a bit later, when her nerves weren't so raw with anxiety and when her mind was clearer.

BROKEN WINGS (m. yanderes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now