XXVII- mother and daughter

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"You were amazing! And the costumes are insane and-"

A smile curved (Y/n)'s lips as Stella excitedly gave her a detailed list of all the things she'd adored during the showcase. Of course as a fashion student she'd been especially observant of the costumes.

"I'm happy you had fun." (Y/n) said with a smile. She'd been worried about her friends regretting asking if they could come see the showcase at all, so to know that they'd loved it was a huge relief. And although Julian wasn't as expressive as Stella, (Y/n) could see he had loved it too.

"You were beautiful." Julian said casually. He didn't need to say more for (Y/n) to know he was honest.

Her heart skipped a beat as her gaze met his, his eyes warm with a fondness that she hadn't noticed before. A soft smile rested on his lips and (Y/n) found herself aching to kiss them.

She wondered if he too felt that gentle tug at his core, that longed for their lips to meet.

(Y/n)'s romantic thoughts of her flatmate were quickly brushed away from her mind as she heard her mother's voice and Dahlia opened her arms to embrace her daughter with a radiant smile.

"There's my little star!" She said, engulfing (Y/n) in a tight hug. (Y/n) chuckled at the nickname, one Dahlia had been using ever since she'd learned about (Y/n) wanting to become a ballerina.

(Y/n)'s father used to call her that too.

Dahlia took a step back to observe her daughter, her hands still on her shoulders.

"You were wonderful, sweetheart." She said, brushing her knuckles over the cheek of her daughter. "I'm so proud of you, you know that?"

(Y/n) nodded with a smile, heat rising to her cheeks as she became all too aware of Julian and Stella's eyes on her. Dahlia then turned to Stella and Julian, a knowing look in her warm gaze.

"And you two must be the flatmates, am I right?" She asked with a grin that beguiled Stella and Julian to present themselves.

Julian held out his hand for the woman to shake, a polite smile on his lips. Cool and composed as ever. And (Y/n) was surprised her mother hadn't yet made any comments about how handsome he was. Maybe Dahlia was keeping that for later when it'd be just the two of them.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs (L/n). I'm Julian, and this is Stella." Julian gestured to Stella and said-girl took a step forward, shaking Dahlia's hand as well.

"I love your outfit!" Was the first thing Stella said to (Y/n)'s mother, eyes bright with passion and a huge grin on her features. It was hard not to fall in love with Stella's bubbly personality, and apparently Dahlia was no exception.

"There! Finally!" Dahlia exclaimed, a heavy sigh falling from her lips, "You better tell this to my daughter here, she hates this jacket."

Stella turned to (Y/n) with a dramatic look of betrayal in her eyes, a hand on her chest as she stepped back in mock offence.

"(Y/n)! I thought you had more fashion sense than this!" She then turned back to Dahlia with a smile, "Don't listen to your silly daughter, the top looks amazing on you."

Julian threw (Y/n) a sympathetic gaze, though no amount of sympathy could hide the amusement that danced in his eyes. If anything, (Y/n) was happy to see her friends were getting along with her mother.

"By the way," Dahlia turned back to her daughter, "Where's the guy you were dancing with? You said his name was Adam, right? I want to congratulate him as well!"

(Y/n) flinched at the mention of Adam. After he'd confessed to her and she'd left him in front of the changing rooms she hadn't seen him anywhere. Her heart ached at the thought he might still be there, crying and heartbroken.

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