XXI- unpredictable

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Hello everyone! First, I wanted to apologise for not updating over the last week. I had exams and that came first unfortunately. But I'm finally done with those and now have all the time in the world to write! So expect more updates in the coming days!

Thank you for being patient with me and for sticking around, that really means a lot <3 Hope you love this new chapter!

Things had been looking good these last few days.

(Y/n)'s new meds were working wonders and she relished in being able to focus on classes, rehearsals and her blooming social life. She hadn't had any hallucinations of Simon either, and her anxiety had greatly decreased.

Life was good again. The Damocles sword that had been hanging above her head at the thought of Simon being anywhere near her no longer weighed down on (Y/n). Which was a good thing, as with the showcase fastly approaching (Y/n) couldn't afford to be distracted.

The showcase.

It was only two weeks away and (Y/n)'s last rehearsals with Adam had consisted of looking for costumes and perfecting the final touches of their duo. Adam had offered for them to look through his parents' old costumes but his father apparently refused for them to use those.

"I'm sorry, these are just really precious to my dad and he sees them as some kind of relics or something." Adam had said, a sad pout on his lips. In that moment he had looked more like a kicked out puppy rather than a nineteen-year-old boy.

(Y/n) had reassured him that it was fine and that they'd work this out, and the two of them had started looking through different options. (Y/n) had a very specific image in mind too. She wanted something airy and light but with dark tones to highlight the melancholy of their song and choreography.

Of course Adam had agreed enthusiastically, though (Y/n) could have offered for them to dance in trash bags and he probably would have shown as much excitement. In his mind it didn't matter what they wore, as long as he danced with (Y/n), he was the happiest.

What (Y/n) was looking forward to the most wasn't dancing with Adam though, but dancing in front of her mother.

Dahlia had always been supportive of her daughter's dream, showing up to every showcase and cheering her on, in spite of knowing close to nothing about ballet. And each time, (Y/n) made it a point to do her best on stage if only to thank her mother for all her support and energy.

In the meantime, (Y/n) made sure to make the most of her classes and rehearsals.

The Sun gently caressed her skin as she made her way to the coffeeshop. A smile curved her lips at the sight of Aaron already standing in front of the coffee shop, waiting for her with a small smile.

The two of them had made it a habit to get coffee in the morning and then head to the studio together, a small ritual Aaron never failed to honour and something (Y/n) would have never imagined possible at the start of the year.

It was funny how things could change. A few weeks ago (Y/n) would have never thought that she'd one day be friends with Aaron. Yet here they were, peacefully walking to the studio together whilst making small talk.

This morning her mind was somewhere else though.

(Y/n)'s thoughts had been consumed by Julian more and more over the last few days, butterflies swarming her stomach whenever he brushed past her or made any kind of unintended physical contact with her.

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