XLIII- punishment

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"We don't like this either, darling." Adam said in a sickly sweet tone that had bile rising up (Y/n)'s throat. She recoiled as he extended his hand to brush his fingers along her cheek.

Adam frowned. He knew she wouldn't like this punishment, but it's not like she had left them any choice. She'd tried to escape twice, she had to understand that this wasn't an option and that they wouldn't accept this kind of behaviour. Still, Adam couldn't find it in himself to be angry at his darling, she was still delusional after all.

No, truly, this wasn't her fault. She hadn't chosen to be so lost and confused. Once she would have come to terms with her feelings for him, she'd stop trying to escape, Adam was sure of it. After all, why would she ever want to escape the love of her life?

So he kept on smiling, standing up from the bed where (Y/n) remained tied up.

"I won't try to escape anymore, I swear." (Y/n) said, "Please, just don't leave me alone like this." She gestured to the binds still securing her wrists to the bedspots.

She felt pathetic begging for their company like this. They were monsters, they had kidnapped her and killed someone. She should want them as far away from her as possible, and to an extent, she did. But still, the disgust of their company paled in comparison to the monstrosity of her own thoughts.

(Y/n) couldn't bear to be left alone with her mind, with the flashbacks of Simon's blood and his hands on her. She couldn't bear being left alone with the thoughts of her mother who was probably sick with worry, of her ballet career which was slowly ebbing away from his fingers the longer she remained in that shithole.

"You won't be left totally alone. Someone has to feed you and help you to the bathroom every once in a while." Aaron remarked, features a mask of stone cold indifference to hide the raging turmoil inside of him. He hated this. He hated punishing (Y/n) like she was a child. He hated having to resort to this kind of measure for her to stay by his side. But he knew this was probably necessary.

(Y/n) would hate his guts at first, even more than she already did, but she'd know that running from him wasn't an option. And over time, she'd come to love him too, right? This was all that mattered.

"We'll leave now." Adam said, not before placing a kiss to the crown of (Y/n)'s head, a gesture that made Aaron internally cringe. (Y/n) was too out of it to even notice it. "This is for the best, darling."

(Y/n) bowed her head. She wished she could have argued, but she didn't have the strength to keep on arguing with them. They probably wouldn't listen anyways, they never did.

She didn't notice the moment they left the room, too lost in her own thoughts which had come to swallow her whole.

A silent tear rolled down her cheek, her chest hollow with a brewing despair. She wanted to keep on fighting and resisting, to not give up so soon. But the longer this dragged on, the more she was starting to think that...

This was hopeless.

She'd never leave this place. She'd never see her mother again. She'd never get a taste of what a normal relationship was like. And she'd never reach her dream of being a prima ballerina.

The first day of (Y/n)'s punishment had been the worst by far. Spent crying herself dry, trying to ignore the nagging hunger in her stomach and the thirst. Though she couldn't say whether this had gone on for a day or two. With the curtains drawn and no signs of outside light, there was no telling how much time had passed.

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