XXXIII- down the rabbit hole

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"Adam?" Edgar knocked on his son's bedroom door, heaving a sigh when no answer graced him. Still, he knew Adam was inside, so he opened the door and let himself in.

As predicted, Adam was on his bed, eyes red and puffy from hours of crying and lack of sleep. Edgar didn't know what had happened between his son and that (Y/n) girl, but he knew it had left his son deeply wounded and heartbroken.

Edgar had been far from a perfect parent. He knew that. But if there was one thing he could understand, it was heartbreak. For even if he and his wife had never broken up or been apart for more than a week, her death had shattered him.

Quietly, Edgar padded over to his son's bed, taking a seat beside him. He didn't know how to start this conversation. Ever since his wife's death, Edgar had barely given the time of day to Adam, he knew that.

He had been an awful father. Only ever showing up for his son when Adam's dance career was involved. But if ensuring Adam became a renown dancer was the last thing Edgar could do for his wife, then he would do whatever in his power to make sure her last wish was met.

That was just how much he loved her, how devoted to her remained even long past her death.

"I'm not late yet." Adam croaked out, voice raw from screaming into his pillow. He knew why his father was here, to remind him that he had to go to class, as per usual. Which was silly, because although Adam had a nasty habit of arriving late, he never ever missed a ballet class.

More than that, thanks to (Y/n), Adam couldn't remember the last time he'd arrived late to one of his classes.

"I'm not here for that." Edgar said with a sigh, letting silence stretch between the two of them. He'd never been good at comforting people. Even much less his own son.

Still, he knew he had to say something. He couldn't let Adam's heartbreak drag his ballet career down.

"I don't know what happened with your girlfriend. But you can't let this drag you down." Edgar said, waiting for an answer from Adam, but nothing came.

So Edgar stood up and left. He knew this had probably been a terrible way of comforting his son, but he didn't have the energy nor time to think of something else to say. And it didn't seem like Adam was willing to have a father-son conversation anyways. Not that Edgar could blame him, he could hardly be qualified as a safe place for his son.

The moment his bedroom door closed, Adam let out a broken sob, his hands fisting the fabric of his grey sweatpants.

He knew he shouldn't be crying and wallowing in his pit of sadness, this would lead him nowhere. His sweet (Y/n) needed him! She needed him to save her from herself!

But it hurt so much. Everything hurt and he couldn't ignore the gaping hole in his chest at the idea of his sweet angel smiling in the arms of another man.

(Y/n) loved Adam, he knew it. They were soulmates after all. Adam had felt this connection between them from day one, from the very moment he had laid eyes on (Y/n) outside of Bellemont and from the very moment he had danced with her.

(Y/n) was just lost, confused and had been cruelly manipulated by a man who had taken advantage of her sweet innocence! Adam just had to save her, to be the knight she so needed at the moment.

And whilst Adam had been too sad and heartbroken to think of any way to help (Y/n) out of her delusion, at this moment, an idea still arose in his mind.

Maybe he should just take her in?

Surely if (Y/n) spent all her time with him and saw just how much he loved her and how perfect they were for one another, she'd finally come to realise that she loved him too. Sure, he didn't imagine her being all too happy about this arrangement at first, but she'd come to realise that there was no better place for her than at his side soon enough. And he'd make sure she was comfortable and had everything she needed and more! After all Adam loved her, he'd never ever want to hurt her!

BROKEN WINGS (m. yanderes x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin