XVI- shitshow

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Julian pushed past a hoard of dancing students, an annoyed sigh falling past his lips as he forced his way through the crowd. Not only had it taken him a great amount of time to find the correct address but with all these people standing in his way he doubted he'd be able to make his way to (Y/n) any time soon.

Unfortunately, he had no time to spare, as there was no telling when (Y/n) would stumble upon Simon, if that hadn't already happened. Which Julian really hoped wasn't the case.

"Excuse me." He grumbled yet again as he slivered his way past another group of drunk students, his eyes roaming every corner of every room to try and find (Y/n). His task was made all the harder due to the dim lighting and the loud music blasting in his ears.

Gods, he wondered how anyone could find any enjoyment in this kind of party. Not only was it packed but the music was so loud you could barely hear yourself speaking, much less other people. That made having a decent chat near impossible, and the possibility of being deaf at an early age all the more probable.

Julian wasn't one to give up though, even less so when it came to (Y/n). And he'd find her. Even if he had to lose his whole night searching for her.

He had to find her.

The only familiar face he caught among the crowd was Stella's though, and in spite of him being glad to see she was having fun, that still didn't give him any hint as to where (Y/n) could possibly be.

Well, that wasn't entirely true, as Julian had scoured the entire living room and every other room on the ground floor with no sight of her. That could only mean (Y/n) was somewhere on the first floor, at least that's what Julian hoped.

Though he wouldn't be surprised if after catching sight of Simon (Y/n) had sprinted out of the house and wandered somewhere down the streets. Which would undoubtedly make his job of finding her much harder.

The sight of Simon in a corner of the living room with his friends did little to comfort Julian. As even if Simon was still in the same place Julian had seen him in Stella's video, this didn't mean he hadn't run into (Y/n) or that she hadn't caught sight of him. In fact, Simon having been in the living room made it all the more probable for (Y/n) to have seen him and ran away.

'Focus, now is not the time to think of the worst case scenario.' Julian tried to reassure himself, but his heart was already beating a mile a minute as he ascended the stairs to the first floor. If (Y/n) wasn't there, then Julian was screwed.

Fortunately, the music was much less loud once at the top of the stairs, and there were also a great deal less people which definitely made finding (Y/n) easier.

That didn't prevent Julian from rolling his eyes as he passed by a couple making out against the wall in the corridor, shamelessly going at it for everyone to see.

'Get a room for fuck's sake.'

He looked through every room of the first floor with no sight of (Y/n). Well, nearly every room, there remained the bathroom which was Julian's very last hope.

He stopped in front of the door, taking in a sharp breath as he put his hand on the doorknob.

To his luck, the door wasn't locked. He wasn't prepared for the sight that greeted him though.

Good thing was, (Y/n) was indeed in the bathroom, kneeled before the toilet with her head resting in her hands. The smell of vomit that greeted him certainly wasn't the highlight of Julian's night though.

He brought his hand up to his nose and mouth, trying to shield himself from the scent, the last thing he wanted was to throw up too due to his emetophobia.

BROKEN WINGS (m. yanderes x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant