XXXVIII- surprise

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Hey guys! First thing first, sorry for not updating these last few days, I've been caught up in other things and didn't have time to write. But we should be getting back to the usual updating pace from now on! More or less at least. 

Thanks for your patience, for sticking around and for your support! 

"(Y/n), you have to eat." Aaron said, concern in his eyes as he held the spoon of porridge close to (Y/n)'s mouth. "Please... Starving yourself is not healthy."

Guilt swelled in Aaron's chest as (Y/n) shot him a glare. She didn't have to voice her thoughts for him to hear them loud and clear. It was all his fault. The very reason she was so upset in the first place was because of him and Adam. The only reason she felt compelled to starve herself was to express her displeasure of the current situation.

Aaron hated seeing her like this. Hated the thought that she was angry at him or worse, that she hated him. He knew this much was inevitable, but he hadn't imagined just how much it would hurt.

(Y/n) silently adjusted her position to alleviate the discomfort of her bound wrists. Of course, this did little.

She had been locked up in her new assigned bedroom for three days now, and although her body had been tied up to the same goddamn bed, her mind had been restless. Wandering over to her first days at Bellemont and what could have possibly led her to this, to her discovery about Julian and whether or not he was currently searching for her.

Hell, if there ever was a good moment for him to be a creep, that would be now. He'd been able to keep tabs on her for god knows how long, so surely tracking her whereabouts shouldn't be that hard, right?

(Y/n) knew she couldn't rely on Julian to find her, not only was he just as twisted as Aaron and Adam were, but there was no way for her to know whether or not he'd come save her. Hell she didn't even know if anyone would have noticed her disappearance by now. But she wasn't about to patiently wait for them to.

She'd need to find a way out of this situation herself.

Now, being tied up to the bed didn't really make any attempts at an escape easy, that was exactly why her captors had tied her up in the first place. Adam had also said something about the windows and door being locked. 'Extra precautions' he had said with a smile.

Things looked hopeless at the moment.

She had hoped that after a few hours or a few days, her captors would wake up from whatever crazy bullshit they'd been caught up in and let her go. But Aaron and Adam had done no such thing. They'd shown no sign of coming to their senses and letting her go.

If anything, things had only gotten worse.

From Adam calling her darling and looking at her with adoring eyes, to Aaron religiously watching over her while she slept. He thought she hadn't seen him, but she had.

(Y/n) hated this.

It had only been three days but her limbs were already growing restless from the lack of movement, and she had no idea what time it was or how long Aaron and Adam intended on keeping her locked up. All she knew was that she needed to get out of here and fast. Because although Adam and Aaron had promised not to hurt her, who knew how far they were willing to go considering they'd basically kidnapped her? They had already hurt her. And in (Y/n)'s mind it was only a matter of time before they crossed another line.

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