XII- break through

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"Dad please, you have to shower." Aaron said, his father's arm draped over his shoulder as he carried the man over to the bathroom.

This morning Aaron had found his father laying on the couch, shirt drenched with liquor and covered in the overpowering scent of alcohol. His wife's portrait loosely held between his fingers.

And much like every time Aaron had found his father like this, he had taken it upon himself to get his father to the bathroom.

"No... Don't want to..." Aaron's father said all too close to his face for his liking. Aaron hated the stink of liquor, and his father's breath reeked of it.

Still, he managed to lead his father to the bathroom and hoist him up in the bathtub, turning up the showerhead to let the cool water wash his father's hungover down the drain.

Though Aaron knew that his father would most likely find his way back to another bottle sooner rather than later.

"You're not getting out of here until you're sober and clean." He said, closing the door and ignoring the older man's groans of disapproval. He was probably throwing a few nasty names his way and Aaron honestly didn't have the mind to listen.

A heavy sigh fell from his lips as he finally allowed himself to lean against the wall and slide down to the floor, his thoughts drifting away from the sounds of the water running and his father.

He wondered if (Y/n) was already in the studio, stretching and getting ready for their first class of the day. And he wondered if she had noticed his absence at all.

His heart winced in his chest at the idea that she hadn't. At the idea that maybe she didn't care nearly enough about him to notice his absence when he seemed to notice everything about her. Every little change in her attitude, every little habits she had and every little insufferable tidbit of hers.

Her angered features flashed through his mind, sending a sour taste to the back of his throat.

Aaron had spent the whole night thinking about their last conversation. Replaying every word of hers in his mind and crying over both his aching heart and his impossibility to figure out just why it hurt so much.

His eyes were red and puffy. And he felt more hollow than ever at the prospect of going to the studio only to be greeted with the silent treatment from her when he ached for nothing more but to engage with her.

It had been a few days now, of her ignoring him. And by now Aaron was so desperate for her to look his way and talk to him that he didn't care whether she screamed at him or insulted him.

Hell, she could punch him or slap him in the face and throw the nastiest of words his way, Aaron wouldn't care. As long as she finally acknowledged him and talked to him.

He didn't know how long he could still last without a word from her. Even more so when he had to put up with Adam talking about her all the fucking time.

About how they were so perfect for one another, how they were so in sync when they danced and how (Y/n)'s hair was always so pretty and her skin so smooth and how she smelled of flowers and all things nice and how Adam couldn't wait for them to be together.

All that annoying shit that made Aaron's jaw tighten and his teeth grind together in irritation.

He was starting to understand how Esme felt whenever Adam mentioned (Y/n), as the closer Aaron got to said girl the more unbearable and insufferable his best friend's adoring monologues about her became.

And the more Aaron fantasised about throwing a punch to Adam's perfect face.

Still, he struggled to understand where this all came from, why the simple mention of (Y/n) had his heart skipping a beat and why the thought of Adam with her had his chest tightening with envy.

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