Cha. 9 🟢

507 16 92

First person - Pierre

I wake up to warmth enveloping my body and the scent of Yuki's cologne. I can't help but want to hold him closer than I already am, so that's what I do; I increase my grip on him, pulling our bodies closer than before. I don't think being closer is humanly possible.I can feel each breath and exhale he takes, each shiver that goes through his body—everything.

I feel him start to move more, signaling he's awake. Though I can't see his face, I take the risk of saying good morning.

"Morning," I mumble into his neck, feeling my own breath hit my face.

After I speak, I feel Yuki shiver in my arms. Subsequently, I only try to keep him warmer by pulling him closer, but it's to no avail as it would be impossible for my arms to wrap around his small waist a second time.

"Morning, princess," he says in a joking matter.

But when I feel the smile that forms on my face at the thought of him actually loving me calling me that, it's one of the best thoughts I've ever had. Ranking under the one for him to stay the night with me, of course. That will always be my best idea. Once again, I find comfort in the warmth of Yuki's body and begin to fall asleep again until he speaks up.



"I need you to let go of me."

"Whyyyyyyyy?" I really don't want to let go. I want to stay like this forever.

"I need to go have a shower, and besides, I don't want to miss breakfast; the food here is really good."

"Mmmm," he has a point there, but I'm not letting go that easily.

"Pierre, please?" he softly speaks, and it makes my heart melt. I have to let go now.

"Fine." I feel him climb out of bed and walk into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

A few seconds later, I hear him turn on the water, the sound is nice, relaxing in a way if you will. I'm not sure how I didn't hear the bathroom door unlock, but the next thing I know, Yuki is gently shaking my shoulder, waking me up.

"Hey, Pierre? Can I borrow your toiletries?"

"Yeah, sure, no need to ask."

"Thank you, where are they?"

I sit up in bed, figuring I'll fully wake up now anyways. I point to where I know the bathroom sink is; the door is open just enough for me to see my bag of toiletries perfectly.

"Should be next to the sink," I confirm.

As I watch him walk back to the bathroom, I take my phone off the side table, seeing that I still haven't replied to any of Charles' messages. I really wish I had waited till after breakfast to look at them because when I tell you I was scared to see Charles, I was scared.

"I'm not French" 🇫🇷


Hey, just making sure you got back to the hotel.


I know your sleep schedule won't let you sleep till at least 2 am.


Okay, not funny anymore, Pierre. I'm getting worried now.
This isn't like you.


The sun's started to rise now, still no response.

Love over-due ~Yukierre~Where stories live. Discover now