My Dear Father 😘

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By: Peter Paul Y. Bayno

Inspired by: Alfredo Bayno


When I was a baby boy,

My father feel so overjoy,

That I was his first baby,

He was very happy.


Another year had passed by,

My father's long wait made him cry,

My mother give birth to Mary,

Again my father was very happy.


Two years had passed,

My mama give birth for the third time, Alas!

She give birth to Aljeane,

My father is very happy again.


In the midst of happiness,

There is a moment of sadness,

Aljeane didn't make it,😢😥

My father can't bare it. 😭😭


It was a very dreadful event,

He was struggling by the torment,

Tormented by loosing his youngest,

To the point he feels the saddest.


In the lowest point of his life,

All what's left is the pain inside,

He resort to drinking so he could find ease,

To make him feel better as he find inner peace.


Drinking alcohol is a temporary solution, 😵

It only gives you temporary comfort and satisfaction,

It does not only connote delusion,

But also permanent addiction.


I feel so awfully bad,

Seeing my father so sad,

It was a depressing sight,

That my father lost his light.


However, his sadness didn't last,

He wept his tears fast,

He could no longer be lonely,

Because he needs to inspire his family.


He knows Aljeane is in heaven,

In a beautiful safe haven,

Guarded by the angels above,

Full of God's tender love.


He already knew there are reasons,

Behind this series of events and actions,

That he cannot dare to speak and questions,

On God's plans and intentions.


In this so called world that we live in,

Our life is not ours to be keep in,

To be keep in a safe case,

That is no longer the case.


My father teaches me,

The word of the Lord that inspired me,

On taking the path of the righteous,

That our family gets the emblem of being religious.


He leads his family by the words of the Lord,

He delivers his message thoroughly word for word,

The bible and rosary are his weapon,

Now he is ready to take action.


As one of the Lay Minister of the church,

He offers his service as he knows what is worth,

It is worth it, that he serve the Lord tirelessly,

As he spend most of his time to God eagerly.


A very religious man,

A very inspiring man,

A religious teacher,

Also a caring father.


In your special day,

I greet you a happy birthday,

Thank you for being a good father,

Our mentor and preacher.


The strongest pillar in our family,

We are grateful and happy,

We are thankful for being our father,

A father like no other.


My father used to say,

The path of the righteous is a crooked way,

Only the worthy can pass the "God's Way",

Like a innocent child who wanders the big, vast highway.

(THE END) 😘😘😘

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