My Dear Little Flower

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Inspired by: Lori Escudero

A sweet and kind,
A rare to find,
My sweet little flower of mine,
Who always gentle and kind.

A flower who always smile and shines,
Her cheerfulness is like the sun that shines,
Who do pranks and whines,
Like a playful kid who plays tricks sometimes.

Suddenly, my dear little flower is sad,
Begging for love turn out to be bad,
Love is not a thing that can be obtain easily,
Love is not rush my dear so don't be silly! 😁

This advice comes from your Big Brother Tree,
Who always watch you from a far with glee,
Giving you a shade from trials that hits you,
I'm just giving you advice and let me remind you.

In every trial there is hope to sought,
There is a solution every problem that brought,
In every storm that you face and fight,
Remember, God gives you the Big tree that shields you and defends you with all his might.

Protecting you from harm,
Giving you a ray of hope that warms,
Warms your soul that helps you grow,
To be ready in the future of the unknown...


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