A Safe Haven🏠

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Inspired by: Our CFC- SFC Center
(A.K.A. Our Place of Calling)

Think about a place for your faith,
That refuge the broken and the pained,
That you could feel the presence of peace,
Rather than the presence of silence.

Experiencing the feeling of joy more than happiness,
That gives you delight from your sadness,
Contentment more than satisfaction,
Facing reality rather than expectation.

A place of serving the Lord,
A place of hearing his holy words,
Doing things by his name in the form of service,
Rather doing your daily chores and vices.

A place that you can set your mind in peace,
That you can set aside your problems with ease,
Like a cold wind brushes your cheeks,
Shows you the path of being meek.

A sanctuary for the lost soul,
That mends your wounds and makes you whole,
The place that you may seek forgiveness,
Forgiving yourself through act of service.

The Catholic church is like our mother tree,
As the branch, we spread the gospel of the Lord with glee,
This place focuses on the young generation,
As we guide them making our own mission.

Teens and adults alike lend me your ears!
If you seek answers come over here,
In our place of faith as we welcome the broken.
As we pushed through life and say it: Amen! 🙏


Naa natay SFC Headquarters! Yehey!!!
(Coming Soon) 🤗😇👍
Your order is served ate elle 😁

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