Honoring the Comrades

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Inspired by: CCB Oroquieta Branch


For me, its been six years,

Worth to shed a tear,

Many ups and down,

Still I'm so proud.


It's been a long journey,

Yet feels like yesterday in my memory,

All the pressure and excitement,

All the places that we went.


I still remember it all,

All the struggle that befall,

The bank is like a fortress,

That survive in the long run in the process.


In this kind event,

I'm glad I was invited,

It's our anniversary,

All of us are very happy,


I will always cherished and remember, 🤗

All my short tempered superiors , 😂

All my jackass co- workers, 😜

And my good manager and all other branch members. 😁👍


Thanks for having me, ☺

In the past, I maybe naughty, 😋

Bit of a hard- headed and carefree, 😗

Deep in my heart I am very sorry. 😞


Though all of us are not perfect,

Some are grumpy and some are direct,

All traits and character are mix together,

It creates a masterpiece altogether.


Finally, the last part of my speech,

It doesn't take long and I make it real quick,

"I honor you all with all of my heart,

In this establishment that I take part..." 😘


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