A Beatiful Art Called Life

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Inspired by: Michael Labadan Cadavero

Life is like a photography,
An art is develop through negativity,
Life is boring without an enemy, 
Life without them life is empty.

Life is full of adventures,
Happiest moment are like treasures,
Spending time with friends and family,
Cherishing every bit of the moment joyfully.

Life is like a rollercoaster ride,
Trying to unleash the beast from the inside,
Wanted to have fun in the world outside?
With your closest friends by your side.

Life is not a simple matter, 
Raising your courage like a fighter,
You need to gain strength and complain later,
To withstand every obstacle along the way and be a winner.

Life is not a child's game that you should play,
Because many turns comes along the way,
Don't push your luck like a gambler's bet,
Like a hopeless lover ending with regret.

Life is a gift that God gives you,
God gives you the trials that he knows you will get through,
Cherish every moment as long you have time to spend.
Don't waste on a "Fool's Dream" that you will regret in the end.

Life is consist of the past, present and future,
The PAST represent us our regrets and failures,
The PRESENT, learning from the failure as we planned to execute carefully,
To secure the FUTURE and make it through life as we reach the end Finally...


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