Noli Me (Not Me) 🙅

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Inspired By: Ilon Em


I am NOT alone in this situation, 

ME who always finds an inspiration,

In the midst of the pandemic I can't afford, 

To surrender myself in this world of discord, 


NOT one nor two who feel depressed,

ME and the whole world feels so stressed,

The question is repeatedly ask? 

When this pandemic will last? 


Is this judgement day?

The final reckoning of the faithful and the astray,

That separate the sheep from the goat, 

ME who do NOT have the answer that you  sought. 


It just so biblical for ME, 

It may sound insane but I'm NOT crazy, 

Don't seek answers in the google,

The answer is there in the bible. 


Most people turn on a blind eye, 

I wonder how or why? 

That the world is NOT peaceful it seem, 

Most people including ME are having a bad dream. 


A nightmare? Please wake ME up! 

From this so called world, that is NOT! 

People who are foolish in the mind,

Trying to grasp the truth they can't define. 


The drive for survival kicks in, 

The feeling that we're in the predator's den, 

Politicians, Religious Sects, Human Rights Activist and others, 😑

ME who does NOT want to involve with it only gives me a bother. 🤐


For ME it only feeds more fuel to the fire, 🔥 

What the Devil and his minions conspire, 😈

His masterplan are NOT only destruction,

He wants all people to go insane in the state of confusion.


It's the Apocalypse of our very lives, 

If all of us would believe on a sweet lie, 

NOT knowing where it headed,

ME don't know when may ended. 


The four horsemen now rides, 🐴 

As they carry a very big tide, 🌊 

A big tidal waves of uncertainties,

NOT ME nor you would escape from this. 


More private groups sprouted from nowhere,

Wanted to join and mix up on world affairs,

Like joining in a political party, 

If you may ask if I join? My answer: NOT ME!


Not gonna join! 🙅

Count ME out! 🙅

Note: Inspired by the name only. 😁

           It's not a political propaganda. 🗣

           It's a poem from the heart.  ♥ 

           I'm just sayin'! 😇

           Just chillin!  😎



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