The Calling

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Inspired/ Dedicated by: CFC- SFC Oroquieta Chapter

An accident? Or a mere coincidence?
An act of a divine presence?
Or a faithful encounter?
You may choose the latter.

I joined the group without an act of faith at first,
Because somebody introduce me in this group, Of course,
In the beginning I was hesitant and shy,
I'm not a good guy, I'm not gonna lie.

I was passive of what's happening,
In the group, I was a noob in everything,
At first, this group felt so boring,
Hearing the Gospel of the Lord again and again while listening.

I lack discipline as I recall and remember,
I attend the first CLP meeting with a HANG OVER! 😵😭
I was embarrass and try to get over,
That kind of event I don't want to remember.

I am not ready on that time that's what I recall,
I am not worthy in that place and ready to fall,
Fall in the pit of darkness,
A pitch-black void of loneliness.

By that time, I nearly fall on that lonely hole,
An empty void that tries to suck me whole,
A cave like circle that makes me commit all the sins,
That the world has to offer ever since.

As I slowly sink beneath the quick sand of sorrows,
Feeling sorry to myself felt like no tomorrow,
Trying to grasp a way out to escape,
Once and for all before it's to late.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashes above me,
Like a long hot rod pointed out to me,
Reminding me to get out with full of hope,
Trying to grab the light like a whip gold of rope.

Clinging to the light as I hold still,
Carries my soul that strengthen my will,
That will, grants me salvation,
By impeding my damnation.

I was awaken from my deep slumber,
It gradually change my view point as I remember,
That changes my life forever,
Now I'm ready to be an SFC member.

Many years passed I realize something,
Deep in my heart that gives me a warm feeling,
This group of faith that changes everything,
Everything in my life that is worth cherishing.

Now I enjoy serving the Lord,
Enjoy every moment I am no longer bored,
This group gives me happiness,
Erases my doubts and loneliness.

I'm inspired to show you that I am happy,
Despite my own fragility,
As a Human Being that I am prone and weak,
This group shows me the way on how to be meek.

This group shows you the place of longing,
This group gives you the joy of serving,
Serving the Lord our God that is worth sacrificing,
Sacrificing most of my time, That is my "CALLING!"🙏😇

CFC-SFC Oroquieta
Thanks sa lahat mga brod & sis.
Tito's and Tita's 😁😁😁
Kuya and Ate🤗
And mga Batang Yagits!!! 😂😂😂
God bless all. 😇

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