Never Give Up

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Inspired by: Myrell Duhaylungsod Lumantas


Hey kid what's up! 

Do you had enough?

Hey kid stand up! 

Plan to give up? 


All the shattered dreams, 

How sad may it seems,

Or a dream that yet to come true, 

Too good to be true. 


Yet your still waiting, 

And yet your still dreaming, 

Until the cold breeze of loneliness, 

Embraces on your moment of sadness. 


Knowing you, you stubborn little kid!  😤

You don't give up still while praying in your bed, 

Hoping for the train ticket to dream land, 

As you wipe your teary eyes by your hands. 


Still sadness doesn't break you,

You had guts to break down the wall that stops you,

However, your still a hundred miles away, 

On your dreams that is ahead of you, far,  far away...


Still, you never surrender, 

Chasing it like a wild racer, 

By then, you jog like crazy, 

Catching your breath everyday it's not easy.


To be fit with conviction,

Being fit is one of the qualification,

You need to push your limitation,

Serving this as a routine with passion. 


At least you give your all!

What if you stumble down and fall?

Do you stay down and play dead?

Or get up and move ahead.


Don't be dissapointed if your dreams are not ment for you,

Or waiting for too long you felt frustrated, agitated & blue, 

Or your dreams are not yet for the taking this time, 

You felt afraid "what if" you running out of time. 


I'll tell you, God plan's it all, 

Either you stumble down and fall, 

God allows it all,

All your trials and heartaches that befalls.


I ask you my dear child? 

Do you go amok and go wild?

If the dreams is not within your reach, 

Or do you plan to let go and release. 


Sometimes expectation is opposite to reality, 

That is why you feel so bitter and empty,

You expect too much and yet still clinging in that rope. 

The rope that you hanging on still has the sprinkle dust of hope. 


We'll its up to you to decide,

Still the world is big, vast and wide, 

Enjoy as much as you can, 

At least all what's said are done.


I bet you enjoy your youth more,

At least you experience so much fun and never let yourself bore, 

Have fun but then don't lose hope,

Like clinging in a rope with sprinkle dust of hope. 


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