Chapter 3

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Semi edited.

I cringe as I watch Ryot and his opponent battle it out.

Ryot grabs a fist full of the player's jersey and swings at the guy hitting him in the face.

He only gets his cheek, but still that has to hurt and will definitely leave a mark.

"That's gotta hurt" My sister winces from the other side of the couch sitting next to her fiance.

I squeeze my eyes shut when I see the guy take a swing at Ryot.

"What the fuck ref?" Avery yells at the tv when the referee puts Ryot in the penalty box and not the other guy.

My sister and River curse at the TV as the asshole skates by the penalty box egging Ryot on.

Thankfully the team gets a goal thanks to the rookie of the team.

From what I've seen the kid is pretty good.

The camera pans to the penalty box showing Ryot's time is finally up and he can get back on the ice, but not before sending a wink to the beautiful woman holding up a sign for him that has her number on it making my stomach clench.

No matter how much time has passed it still hurts.

I can't tell you how many times I have wished to fall out of love with that man, but nothing ever worked.

Not even 7 years of distance.

They are right when they say distance makes the heart grow fonder.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Avery yelled as Ryot scores the winning goal.

After the game I help River clean up the dishes while Avery talks to Ryot.

After him and I drifted apart, and by that I mean me putting some distance between us, he got closer with Avery.

I hear him chuckle from the other room as I was the dishes and my stomach flips at the sound.

I swear I'll always have a reaction to him.

"You ok?" River asked.

I clear my throat. "Yeah I'm good."


He gives me a look that tells me he doesn't believe me.

Basically all of my family and friends know how I feel about Ryot except for him.

If anything River can sympathize the way I feel the most since he had the same mind set his brother does at one time.

When Avery is done with the call she comes back and we all watch some tv together before they head off to bed.

They have to go in early for surgeries, so when I wake up it's just the animals and I.

I eat some breakfast and take the dogs for a walk.

We walk at a park near by, enjoying a beautiful morning.

My phone starts buzzing so I check to see who it is and I realize it's no one in my contacts.


"Hi Everly? It's Stacy from the Tampa Bay lightning, how are you?" She asked.

My heart rate speeds up. "Hi Stacy, I'm doing well how are you?"

"I'm well, thank you for asking. After you left Phil and I talked it over and we agreed that you'd be a great asset to the Team" She said.

Holy shit!

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