Chapter 17

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Semi edited.

I wake up to an empty bed the next morning.

It would've been nice to cuddle or have another round with him, but some of the guys invited him to go for a run.

I toss the comforter off my body and stretch.

You can't wipe the grin I have on my face right now.

"I still can't believe we had sex" I voice out loud.

If it wasn't for the delicious soreness between my legs and my naked body under the covers, I'd think what happened was a dream.

Definitely not a fucking dream.

I toss the comforter completely off of me and  go to the bathroom then search for my phone to see what time it is.

Once I see I still have a half hour until I have to leave I take a quick breakfast then hop in the shower and get ready for work.

After their run the guys are heading to the arena together so I won't see Ryot until I get to work.

I'm excited and nervous to see him, and not in the sense of I'm nervous he'll regret what we did, but nervous like when you finally kiss your crush and you see him the next day, that giddy nervous feeling that's addictive.

We obviously have to talk about what happened, whether it's a one night stand or if we want to continue sleeping together, I honestly hope it's the latter because one night with him won't be enough.

When I pull into my parking spot my stomach starts going crazy with butterflies with prospect of seeing him.

I walk inside and say hello to everyone then head to my room and discuss a treatment plan with Jessica, seeing if the way I'm suggesting is the right way to go.

~~~Ryot's pov~~~

I pass the puck over to Jackson who shoots and just makes it past our goalie.

I skate over to him and throw my hand on his helmet and jostle him, congratulating him on a good goal.

Coach blows the whistle calling us in and for the first time I've never been so happy for practice to be over.

I keep having to fight the grin that wants to come out, but I have to or else the guys will be on my case.

Definitely don't want that.

I hit the shower and take the quickest shower I've ever taken iny life.

The quicker I get done the quicker I can get to Everly.

My god that woman did me in last night and I can't help but crave her again.

All those years of lusting after one another came to a head and fuck was it amazing.

I better stop thinking about it or else I'll pop a boner and that'll be awkward since I'm in a shower with a bunch of other guys.

I shut off the water and wrap a towel around my waist then head to my locker to change.

I quickly put on a pair of joggers and a t shirt then go on search of Ev.

We have to talk about what happened, and honestly with how addicted I am now I'm gonna see if maybe she wants to continue to have sex.

My stomach flips as I get to the door of the exam room.

I take a deep breath and knock.

She turns around from her chair and her eyes widen when she sees me, but quickly smiles.

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