Chapter 12

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Semi edited.

I take one more bite of cheesecake and push the plate away.

"I feel like I'm gonna explode" I press my forehead against Ryot's shoulder.

He puts his head on top of mine. "Me too" He said.

We just finished eating a delicious meal at my sister's new house.

We had a pork tenderloin with mashed potatoes and sauteed mixed vegetables with cheesecake for dessert.

Growing up family was always a big deal, and still is and that's why I love dinners like this.

"Why don't we all head to the living room to relax" My mom suggested.

Sounds good to me.

We stay for an hour catching up and reminiscing, and end up playing card games.

After staying for another hour we say our goodbyes and head home.

He turns to me. "Are you tired?" He asked when he shut off the car.

"Nope, why?"

He shrugged. "I don't know... Maybe we could play a game or something" He suggested.

My parents built a game room when my siblings and I were little and that became our favorite place to hangout with friends, and still is.

It has a huge tv and sitting area so we can play video games or watch a movie, a shelf full of board games, and a pool table.

I smile. "Yeah, that sounds fun."

He smiles back. "Great. Let's go get changed into our pajamas so we can get all comfy and then I'll kick your ass at pool" He said.

I rolled my eyes. "You wish."

I go up to my room and change into my PJs and when I'm done I head down to the game room.

I set up the pool table just in time to see him coming down the steps in just a pair of basketball shorts and a white t-shirt, and even though he actually has clothes on he look really good.

He's too sexy for his own good.

He smirks and rubs his hands together. "Ready to lose nutter butter?" He asked.

I roll my eyes at the nickname, always getting worse and worse.

"Yup, ready to kick your ass."

"Yeah ok, but wanna make things more interesting?" He asked.

I raised an eyebrow. "What you got in mind?"

"Loser has to cook the other breakfast tomorrow" He suggested.

My dirty mind was thinking something totally different.

"Ok, I'm in."

"Great... I like my eggs scrambled with cheese" He said.

I shake my head and walk closer to him, slightly leaning into him. "Isn't it the guy who asks the woman how she wants her eggs in the morning?" I flirted.

He smirks. "Usually, but you won't get a chance to find out" He said.

"We'll see about that Ry."

I walk over to wall that holds all the cue sticks and pick the one I want.

He grabs his stick and chalks up the end. "You have wanna break?" He asked.

"Nah, I haven't played in awhile and it'll probably be a horrible break."

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