Chapter 5

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Semi edited.

~~~Ryot's pov~~~

After Avery told me that Everly would be living with me I spent all day Sunday cleaning the apartment.

I don't have your typical bachelor pad, it's a nice apartment with good decor thanks to Avery and my mom.

I texted Avery to make sure Everly is ok with living with a cat because Leo isn't going anywhere.

I let out a breath of relief when she said she had no problems because I want to make her as comfortable as possible.

I'll occasionally stalk Everly's Instagram to see what she's been up to and after I agreed to her being my new roommate I went on her insta and I'm very pleased with what I found.

She posted a recent picture from a trip to the beach in a very tiny white bikini.

As I've said before I've always been attracted to Everly so seeing that picture made my mind run wild, especially since I know what's under that bikini.

I'm a red-blooded male with a very active libido, fucking sue me.

I'm hoping that after a few times of jerking off to thoughts of her I won't get hard whenever she's in the room.

Can't have that happening.

I swear when I hit puberty she was my fantasy and whenever she was around me I was getting hard.

It was difficult because I didn't want to scare her off so I got really good at hiding my reaction to her.

Hopefully I still am.

Besides being a horny fucker when it comes to Everly Andrews I was able to clean the whole apartment.

I'm not a neat freak, but I do keep my place clean so I didn't really need to clean that much anyway.

I was gonna go shopping and stock up the fridge, but I decided not to and wait for us to go over house rules and stuff.

When Monday morning comes my stomach is in knots because I'm nervous about seeing her again.

I'm excited to see her, but why hasn't she tried to reach out to me at all in the last 7 years?

I know we were getting into different things with me getting really into hockey, but I still tried to make time for her and there were times, at least months at a time when both of us had nothing going on and she still didn't bother to reach out, it was always me.

It hurt to have my best friend since we were babies to go to being my acquaintance.

It still hurts and now that we'll be living together I think we definitely need to have a talk about all of it because I've gone over it so many times in my head and nothing makes sense.

When I get to the locker room I change into my practice gear and talk with my teammates.

"How'd the other night go dude?" I asked our Jackson as I tied my skates.

He smirked. "Better than I anticipated, that girl was an animal. I think I'll see her again" He said.

I Chuckled. "Whoa man, that's some pretty big words."

Our goalie Carson snorts. "Not everyone has the same stance on dating as you James, some of us actually want to settle down with a nice woman one day" He said.

Sometimes it hurts to hear the comments, which is stupid because I won't change the way I feel, but on some level I do wish everything turned out different.

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