Chapter 7

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Semi edited

I guess with the combination of my pillow being perfectly cold and my cloud like mattress, as soon as my head hit my pillow I was out like a light.

I reach over to shut my alarm off and check to see if I have any notifications.

After a giving myself a few minutes to wake up I put my phone down and sit up, stretching my arms above my head.

I haven't gotten that good of sleep in awhile.

I stand up and make my way into the hall only to be stopped by the bathroom door opening.

Ryot walks out of the bathroom in just a towel and I can't help but stare.

He's too busy drying his hair with a small towel to even notice I'm here.

Water droplets fall off his hair and roll down his muscular chest, going right down his defined 6 pack and disappearing into the knot at the top of his towel and not far from the knot is a good size bulge


Back in highschool, Ryot was always muscular, but with him being in the NHL he's ripped now.

He lifts his head up while drying his hair and sends me a smile. "Morning roomie" He walked down the hall to his bedroom.

I swallow hard. "It is definitely a good morning" I mutter to myself.

After I use the bathroom and take a shower I head to the kitchen to eat some breakfast.

When I walk into the room Ryot is sitting on the couch eating what looks like a bowl of oatmeal and Leo sitting next to him begging.

"Good morning" I said as i walked through the doorway.

"Good morning. Sorry about the run in. I wanted to try and shower before you woke up so I didn't ruin your routine or anything. If it doesn't work out I can shower at a different time" He said.

I'm definitely not sorry about the run in.

I go into the cabinet to see if he has any cereal and luckily he does.

I shut the cabinet and turn to him. "It's ok, and it works fine. Usually when I wake up I take a shower so if you wanna take one before I do or after that's fine."

"Ok, I just wanted to make sure" He said.

He gets up off the couch and comes into the kitchen, putting his empty bowl in the sink.

I grab some milk in the fridge and can't help but notice he barely has anything in the fridge.

"As you can see I need to go grocery shopping, so after work we can go over a grocery list and I'll get it delivered tomorrow" He said.

I grab a spoon for my cereal. "You get it delivered?"

He leans against the counter. "Yeah, it's easier because if I actually go grocery shopping I'll get recognized and I just want to get my shopping done and go home, and that won't be a possibility so delivering my groceries is the best option" He said.

"Wow, that sucks that you can't have a normal life anymore."

He nodded. "Yeah it does, but you get used to it after awhile, and since we live together you'll probably be photographed with me just to give you a warning" He said.

Shit I forgot about that.

"That doesn't really bother me, I mean I'll recognized now that I'm the team PT anyway."

"Yeah, but if you're seen with me there will be talk about if we're together or not so get ready for it" He said.

I mean it's not the worst thing to put in the tabloids.

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