The stupid Prank

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Hello guys, this is the first time writing a story, so lets hope i end up doing good. Few things about the main protagonist.
name: Konstantinos
age: 17

-The stupid prank -
I was 16 when I went to tenth grade. My life during this grade wasn't that good, the opposite, it was horrible, despite the fact that it still is, yet not as bad as it used to be:

my mom died by cancer 1 year ago and my father was destroying himself after she has died, he started starving himself, drinking, smoking a lot and he has lost his job because of this, now he ended up sitting all day at home thinking about how his life went wrong. Watching him do this to himself really worries me since who knows how bad this could go..?

About My friends... Well,I used to have some but they ended up betraying me.  The worst of them all was my best friend. His name was Kyle Fliprin and he was 16 too. He always liked to make pranks, and i supported it, because, yeah thats where the fun is but never would i have expected that it would go THAT way,  he exaggerated – he almost killed me! The prank started with Kyle telling me to follow him after classes finished.
Konstantinos: - I have to go to the bus. I can't miss it, else i'd have to wait another hour to get home, and thats a problem since my dad can't be alone by himself for that long, who knows what would happen?
In that moment i saw my best friend Kyle, i saw him smiling as if he was really excited for something.
Konstantinos:- hey kyle! Wassup? You seem to be doing pretty good, so whats the matter?

Kyle:- yoo Konstantinos! I wanted to ask you to come with me, behind the school is that really cool spot i found and i wanna show it to you.

Konstantinos:- oh that seems nice! But uh i need to hurry now since i'd miss the bus and i really cant be late for home. Wouldnt tomorrow be a better time?

Kyle:- cmonnn you really cant miss it! Yoshua and Akira are already waiting.
Pleaseee you cant just upset them, can you? Don't worry, my mom will drive you home later, Don't worry, really. - said Kyle

in Konstantinos' thoughts: *i dont want to upset anyone, they mean a lot to me, so i'll just go with them and try to leave a bit earlier, im sure they wouldnt mind after i at least take a look, nothing can go wrong anyway if its just 3 minutes. *

-Okay, i'll go with you, but i cant stay long, alright? -I said, a little stressed.

Oh and now hes making me run! He knows i don't have water with me and that i'd literally be so exhausted after running just for a tiny bit!
*There I was, but i already know this place, here is literally nothing! I ran all this way for nothing, and i dont have anything to drink.*

Konstantinos :- well guys, ion see anything?

Kyle:- Hahaha yes silly, its here trust me!

Konstantinos :- you sure dawg?

Kyle:- yea bro else we wouldnt be here, you dumbass

-alr alr now show me it -Konstantinos says while being out of breath

*Kyle notices its the perfect time*

-alr lemme show you, can you hold my bottle rq? You can drink of it if you want.-Kyle

-Konstantinos : okay.
Konstantinos takes the bottle and drinks a few sips while Kyle pretends to be searching for the spot*

-Konstantinos' thoughts-
*Why am i feeling so dizzy out of a sudden..! Its getting really blurry and i feel like my stomachs gonna explode, this shit hurts so bad but how did it get to that..*

never would he ever have thought, that Kyle might have drugged him, with whatever he even put in that "water".

-hey Kyle i uhm.. i don't know whats happening right now.. -being in panic, he tried pulling Kyles sleeve, knowing he cant say anything.

:Konstantinos? Whats wrong?!- Kyle said, being rhetorical

i feel uh..I - *Konstantinos fell without even getting to finish his sentence

*never has he ever felt this way, he felt disappointment, because deep down he knew what was going on there.
*I thought nothing was going to happen, i never could have gotten the idea , that someday, this would happen. I was sleeping, so I don't know what happened during my sleep, I just know that I woke up tied up by fragile ties and with adhesive tape on my mouth, at the train rails. I was so angry and so stressed that I couldn't handle that for longer. But the feeling that took over me the most, was that pure sadness and confusion, i just cant really think of any reasons, why my BEST FRIEND would ever do this to me, does he find this fun? Does he secretly hate me? Did i bother him with something? Is that all just my imagination? I was swarming in thoughts that i didn't even notice that theres a literal train, coming towards me. *

* The train was coming and, with luck, i got to free myself, the rope was easy to rip, so I escaped and ran as fast as i could. I almost got smashed by the train
- OH MY! KYLE, YOU F#CKING SHITHEAD- I said, angrily. I suffered too much in my youth and I always forgave people, but this? This will be an exception, i know i'll never get myself to forgive my "friends". I didn't call the police because I knew that it wouldn't help with anything, cause whats done is done and im already in the situation, where im hurt.  he and his stupid friends ran away and left me there suffering, knowing that i'd die. I am miserable and i dont know much more i can take, ALL of this.

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