The Past

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Chapter 8
The memories flooded back with vivid clarity, the sound of Enikö's voice echoing through the darkness as she pleaded for forgiveness, her eyes filled with a madness that Perla could hurtfully comprehend. This guy.. she had known him for a year, they got really close, and this drove Enikö crazy, because Perla was a bit distant.
-Enikö.. do you remember what happened a year ago?-Perla asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and uncertainty.

While asking this, Perla's Heart started aching. She remembers how wide and red her eyes had become, when she got to witness that Sorrowful Incident.

Enikö's smile faltered for a moment as she met Perla's gaze, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features before she regained her composure.
Of course, how could I forget?- she replied, her voice laced with forced nonchalance.

Perla felt her Heart getting shattered by a Hammer as she watched her friend saying this, as if she hadn't done something miserably wrong.
She gulped and felt a tear running down her Face.

-And what do you remember, Enikö? Perla questioned, her voice sounded as she had been stabbed multiple times. She couldn't even help but stutter.

Enikö laughed again, a sound that sent shivers down Perla's spine.

-Oh Perla, you know how it goes. -she said, her voice dripping with venom.
-A moment of passion, the joy I had.. i thought it would be temporarily but the feelings permanent. Till today, i mean.. He tried to steal you from me, and He did! but it's all water under the bridge now, isn't it?

Perla's blood ran cold as she listened to Enikö's words, the truth of her friend's insanity laid bare before her.

Enikö's smile twisted into a mask of rage as she leaned in closer, her eyes burning with a fury that sent a chill down Perla's spine.
-He was nothing, Perla, nothing but a pawn in our game.-she whispered.
- he's one useless individual, just like the Rest.

Perla's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the madness flicker behind Enikö's eyes, a darkness that threatened to consume them both.

-And what about me, Enikö? - Perla asked
What about the truth?You knew exactly how much I needed that friendship. It was good. It was good for me, and us? We were doing great, like we always have been,at least  that 's what I used to think. But that changed as soon as I saw you lay your fingers on him.

Oh, dear, the truth is what we make of it.- she said in a confident tone
-And as long as we're together, nothing else matters, did you forget that you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me?

Desperate to escape the suffocating tension, Perla's heart sank as she listened to Enikö's words. She has had enough.

- the Reason i wanted to die in the first place, was because of YOU. The Thought, that someone has lost his Life because I was talking to them, still haunts me to this day. But how the hell would I have known? Never have I ever known that this could get this far.

-You know what? Every passing Moment that i spent with you right here and now destroys me. Enikö, its draining me in despair and madness. I need to go now.

-Perla wait! Please! I need you, we're best friends right? Nothing could separate us? We're meant to be! - Enikö started shouting nervously, she was shaking because She knew she was in the wrong.

As the weight of Enikö's words settled over her like a shroud, Perla knew that there was no escaping her Thoughts. She was trapped.

Perla's stomach was filled with disgust as she listened to Enikö's twisted justifications, her words dripping with madness and delusion. With every passing moment, Perla felt the weight of their toxic friendship pressing down on her, suffocating her with the darkness that hovered within Enikö's soul.
As Perla hurried away from the table, her mind raced with a bunch of emotions. She couldn't shake the feeling of disgust that lingered in the pit of her stomach, the sickening realization of the darkness that she has gotten herself into. She stared at her shoes as she walked, filled with disappointment, because thats not the Enikö that she used to know.

The memories of that tragic night one year ago flooded back with vivid clearness, the horror of discovering Enikö's true nature burning bright in her mind. She had thought she could escape the Past, find solace in the warmth of Anton's  kindness, but now she realized that the shadows of her past still haunted her every step.

As she made her way home, Perla couldn't shake the feeling of unease that held onto her insides. She had been so hopeful, so eager to build a new connection with Anton, but now she found herself consumed by fear and uncertainty. A Part of her knew, that The Friendship with Anton might turn out dangerous for him. *What am i thinking? It was dangerous for him.*

Anas had been so sweet, so genuine in his desire to get to know her better, and Perla found herself longing to open up to him, to share her hopes and fears without skepticism, but the jealousy that lurked in Enikö's Mind, was too big to end both of their Life's.

As she entered her empty house, Perla couldn't help but feel a sense of isolation wash over her. She was alone, trapped in a world where darkness and light battled for control of her soul.
But despite the fear that gripped her heart, Perla couldn't deny the warmth that bloomed within her at the thought of Anton's  smile, the gentle touch of his hand when he greeted her. She wanted to believe that there was hope, that there was light at the end of the tunnel, but deep down, she knew that the jealousy of her Friend would always linger, ready to do it once again.

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