Toxic Friendship.

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Chapter 7
After an hour of hanging out, Konstantinos departed to go clean classes, Daphne and Kathrine found themselves alone at the café table, the creepy tension between them in the air. Daphne tried to mask her unease with a forced smile, but Kathrine's gaze bore into her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

As they sat in silence, the weight of unspoken words hung heavy between them, each moment fraught with the unspoken threat of what was to come. Daphne could feel the walls closing in around her, suffocating her with the weight of her friend's unspoken emotions.

Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, Kathrine broke the tension with a deep voice that intertwined with a bitter sweetness.
-Daphne, my dear best Friend,we need to talk.

Daphne's heart hammered in her chest as she braced herself for what was to come, She had known that this moment would come, even though a small part of her still hoped, it would end better this time. She had felt the creeping shadow of Kathrine's jealousy lurking in the corners of her mind. She was insane.

-What is it, Kathrine?- Daphne asked in a whisper likely tone, as she met her friend's creepy gaze. She looked straight into her Soul.

Kathrine's smile twisted into a cruel parody of warmth as she leaned in closer, her eyes burning with an intensity that sent a chill down Daphne's spine.
-You see, Daphne, you and I... we're not like other friends, we are more than that, we are soulmates. I can't have anyone have you. You know? Our friendship is something.. different. -she whispered, her voice dripping with madness.
- You think i can watch and let you look at him with those soft and sweet eyes? I'm the only Person you need, Daphne..

Daphne's breath caught in her throat as she listened to Kathrine's words. She had always known that their friendship wasn't the same ever since it happened, but she had never imagined the depths of Kathrine's obsession. The Reason Daphne always sat alone was, because of her fear of getting other people hurt. She knew she couldn't, because something didn't let her, she was locked up in a cage, she had no way to escape of it.

-And what do you mean by that, Kathrine? Daphne asked, her voice trembling with fear

Kathrine's laughter, a sound that sent shivers down Perla's spine.
-Oh, dear, don't play coy with me. You know exactly what i mean. she said, her voice dripping with venom.
You belong to me, Daphne. You always have, and you always will. We have been best friends for 9 years. Isn't it obvious? That's a clear sign that the friendship we have will Never change. 

Daphne's blood ran cold as she listened to Kathrine's words, the truth of her friend's obsession laid bare before her. She had always known that Kathrine's love bordered on possessiveness, but this much?
Daphne's Thoughts:
Shes blinded, blinded by her obsession.
I want to ask her something, but i am really scared of her reaction.

And what if I don't want to belong to you, Kathrine? Daphne asked, her voice, infused with a huge hint of fear and nervousness.

Kathrine's smile twisted into a mask of rage as she leaned in closer, her eyes burning with a fury that sent a chill down Daphne's spine. Then I'll make sure that no one else can have you, she whispered.

Daphne's Eyes widened, her heart pounded in her chest as she watched the madness flicker behind Kathrine's eyes, a darkness that threatened to consume them both. She knew then that she was truly alone, trapped in a friendship that had turned toxic. It wasn't always like this. It was peaceful, we had more friends than that, till one day people tried 'separating' us because of how close we were. At least thats what Kathrine always said. Yet no one managed to do so, except for one specific Person that i really liked, but he's gone now.

As the weight of Kathrine's words settled over her like a cloud, Daphne knew that there was no escaping the darkness that lurked within her friend's soul. She was trapped, a prisoner of her own fear., is there really no way out?

Daphne's mind raced with emotions and thoughts as she started fidgeting with her Backpacks straps. It hit her with the realization of the depth of Kathrine's obsession, but this is something far mire than that. It had been twisted.

As Kathrine's words echoed in her mind, Daphne felt a surge of fear and disgust wash over her. She had spent so long trying to deny the darkness that lurked within her friend's soul and Mind, but now she could no longer ignore the truth.

-Kathrine, this isn't healthy, it has gone too far. -Daphne whispered
You can't control me, you can't dictate who I am or who I choose to be friends with. I am trying not to mind, Kathrine, but this whole thing is getting so messed up. Do you think, that by forcing to make me stay,by trying to get rid of these people, you'd manage to fix this? If you want me, then don't force me. It's making me want to leave even more.

Daphne's Thoughts:
Shit. I didn't think. My words will provoke her. I said too much, i'm not sure if she will be able to keep her composure.

Kathrine's eyes widened, the rage that courses through her veins, it's scaring Daphne even more. Kathrine stood up, she started laughing nervously. A sound that sent shivers down Daphne's spine.
Oh! you still don't understand, DO YOU? she said, her voice dripping with rage and anger. Kathrine started getting louder.
-You belong to me, Daphne, body and soul. And I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that nothing and no one comes between us. Trust me in this one.

Daphne's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the madness flicker behind Kathrine's eyes, a darkness that threatened to ruin Daphne's life completely. She knew then that she was truly alone, trapped in a nightmare of her own making, and there's no way out. Daphne tried to change Kathrine's mind by making a promise, the promise to never change towards Kathrine, even when Meeting new people. She begged Kathrine to comprehend her feelings, and to understand that she really wants to try something with Konstantinos.

But deep down, Daphne knew that she couldn't continue living in fear, that she couldn't let Kathrine's madness control her every move. She had to find a way out, a way to break free from the chains that bound her to this toxic friendship.

And as she looked into Kathrine's eyes, Daphne knew that the time for reckoning had come. She had to face the problem.

"Its unbearable." she thought.

She knew that she was going to cry any moment.

Daphne braced herself for what was to come, she knew that she couldn't continue living in the shadow of Kathrine's madness, that she had to find a way to break free from the chains that bound her to this toxic friendship.

As the tense silence hung heavy between Daphne and Kathrine, Daphne's mind raced back to the event of one year ago, to the tragic night when she had caught Kathrine in the act of killing her previous guy friend out of jealousy.

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