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Chap 5
Konstantinos' Perspective:
As i saw the message, i froze. I don't even know why, but i never thought she'd really text me. Is this really her or did i misread her User?
No, it was her.

Daphne <daphne_48@hotmail.com>                                                                                            Thursday, 17/08 (5 minutes ago)

hello Konstantinos,

i'm Daphne, the girl from earlier, i know that you dont really  know me well but i was wondering if you wanna hangout tomorrow? Ik its prolly unexpected but tbh i have been observing you for a while and think u're pretty interesting.  Hopefully you dont find this weird, i'll cya ig?:D



Wow, even the way she writes is cute.  i sat still trying to process this, i was nervous.. i'd say? But i kinda like how she's direct and honest with me but... What will I do when i see her? How do i even greet?

I started having an awkward feeling, i realized that i'm even worse at this than I thought. Me and Interesting? What does she mean by that? I don't even do anything, just clean classes.. What if she changes her Mind when she meets me in Person and starts getting to know me? And what about her Friend? Wouldn't it bother her to be seen with me? Wouldn't her friend have something against it?

I guess i just have to wait and see. I don't have anything to lose anyway.

My Brother called. He told me he would come over soon. I don't know if i'm happy to be having at least some company here for a few days, or if i'd rather be alone here without having to look at his face. I'm still a bit upset about what he has done. Even though deep down i knew that it wasn't really his fault, even if i stopped my Father that day, he'd wait for the next opportunity to do it, unbothered.

I decided to listen to music for a while with the earphones that i bought with the money I got, before my brother arrives.
I listened to Lil Darkie, he's my favorite Artist. Whenever I listen to Music, I feel as if nothing around me was real, i somehow end up in a different Place, Lost in my infinite Thoughts. Suddenly, Daphne was in my Mind.

Lost in thought, I wondered what Daphne might be doing at that very moment. Was she nervously anticipating our meeting tomorrow like I was? Or was she going about her day as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening?

I couldn't help but replay her message in my mind. It was so unexpected yet oddly refreshing. Her straightforwardness..that made me feel better about the uncertainty I often felt in social situations. Maybe that's what drew me to her in the first place. Not just her looks, the rumors.. no,something about her, makes me want to get to know more and more.

As Lil Darkie's music filled my ears, I found solace in the lyrics and melodies, letting them transport me to a different realm where my worries melted away, if only i could always feel that way. But even in that temporarily escape, thoughts about the Meeting remained.

I glanced at the clock and realized that time was slipping away, bringing me closer to the moment when I would finally meet Daphnes face to face. The anticipation and anxiety intertwined. These Feelings..

I'm getting excited..for the first time in a very long time.

Suddenly the door rang. It was My brother who arrived, I removed my earphones and went to open the door.

Me and my Brother didn't talk much. Even though we know each other for so long, even though we shared so many Memories together, that  loneliness that i feel when im around him, is draining me mentally. So i just went to Bed.
Daphnes Perspective:

Insomnia had become a familiar companion, its presence haunting the quiet hours of the night. As the world outside already slumbered, Daphnes moved and walked, sat and stared, ate and drank, her mind was full of thoughts and emotions. Not even in this Night, she could sleep. Even though she knew, a long day was awaiting her.

Her clock kept ticking and ticking, making her even more Impatient, she was excited.

Konstantinos. His name danced across her screen, triggering a cascade of emotions within her. The boldness of her message earlier now seemed foolish, and she couldn't shake the nervous fluttering in her stomach. What if he found her Message strange? What if he didn't feel the same curiosity she felt towards him? What if he in reality, didn't even wanna have anything to do with her? She couldn't help but think.

She replayed their awkward and small interaction in her mind, trying to analyze every word and gesture for clues about his feelings. There was something genuine about him, something she found herself drawn to despite the uncertainty, all of this. Even though she knew, that She might not have a Chance, cause who would like someone like her?
In thoughts-

aaah.. im really excited, despite the fact that im really nervous because i'm really scared that he might not like me, or might find me weird, who knows what people have told him about me? After all, i don't think that im popular amongst people, just like the rest of the girls, with their long, shiny and wavy hair, the beautiful noses and eyes, while my eyes look really tired and my hair pretty messy.

I'm not as good looking as them and I can't be, am I right? No matter how much I'd try to be liked, It will never be enough, I'll never be noticed like all the popular girls,  like Amelia or Cassy. I'm sure not everyone  finds me good, but..
does everyone matter? Why waste your life  trying to impress others all the time, when you can spend your life doing things that are vital and fun? Who even cares about what the rest thinks.. maybe I do?I'm not sure.

The fear of rejection haunts her, She longed for reassurance, for a sign that She had a chance. She was scared to talk to him.. Yet, she knew the only way to find out was to face her fears. So she will not run away, but go and try to build a new friendship.

With Konstantinos. At least thats what she hopes.

*-Oh wait, i forgot I took my history Books with me, i'll just try to read and write texts about a few things in order to fall asleep faster. *

As the night wore on, Daphne's mind continued to race with thoughts of Konstantinos and the Meeting tomorrow. Despite her efforts to distract herself with her history books, her thoughts kept drifting back to him, each passing moment only serving to heighten her anticipation and anxiety.
: - why can't I stop thinking of him? -She thought.

She flipped through the pages, her eyes scanning the text, but the words seemed to blur together in a haze of restlessness. Time seemed to stretch endlessly, each minute feeling like an eternity as she wrestled with her emotions.

Her history books lay forgotten by her side as her eyes finally started closing, slowly and slowly. Her Music of her favorite Artist Lil Darkie still playing in the earphones which had already fallen out of her ears, laying around somewhere between her and the blanket.
Here I go. i fell asleep, feeling a mix of anxiousness and excitement.

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